Chapter 6

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"Keith! Stop pouting in your room and get down here." Shiro shouted once they arrived to the house.

Lance looked around, noticing that it was on the smaller side, but not by much. There was a fairly large living room that was connected to a kitchen and then stairs going to the second floor right when you walked in the front door.

The was a loud crash from upstairs, followed by a shout. Lance and Shiro exchanged looks. A few minutes later Keith walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, rubbing his arm and head.

"You ran into the book shelf again, didn't you?" Shiro asked his a quirked up brow and a smile on his lips.

"And then it fell on top of me." Keith said with a grumble.

Lance doubled over laughing after hearing that. Keith shot him a glare and nearly spoke up, but stopped when he noticed Shiro's pointed look.

"Whatever, let's just get these two weeks over with." He mumbled, grabbing Lance's wrist and dragging him to the stairs, but letting go once he was sure the taller boy would actually follow him.

Keith walked into the first room on the second floor, leaving the door open for Lance. "Ignore the mess, the book shelf decided to be a bigger asshole than you today." Keith said, taking a seat on his bed.

Shiro had already set up a cot on the floor of Keith's room, and Lance saw it and assumed that would be where he was going to sleep. "Someone's extra grumpy today." Lance mumbled, to tired to really want to bicker back.

Keith rolled his eyes, "Sorry if I'm not over the moon at the fact you're going to be living in my room for two weeks. Just don't touch anything and if I find out you have so much as a glue stick on you, I'll throw you out the window." Keith threatened, not having any patience for the Cuban boy and his pranks.

"As if I would of that and risk the wrath of my abuela." Lance said back, placing his bag on the cot and taking a seat, looking up at Keith on his bed, which was higher up than the cot.

"Wow, so is this what it's like for you all the time? How does you neck not hurt?" Lance asked, taking a jab at Keith's height. On second thought, maybe he wasn't to tired for bickering.

"Just because I'm shorter than you doesn't mean I can't beat your ass." Keith said through gritted teeth.

"What is with you and my ass recently mullet?" Lance asked with a tired smirk. One that Keith took notice of, but didn't comment on.

"Fuck off." Keith said back, reaching for his book and starting to read, just like in detention.

"Why are you always reading?" Lance whined. He knew he would get bored fast, and when he was bored he got even more tired. He didn't want to risk falling asleep and having a nightmare with Keith in the same room. He wasn't even sure how he'd be able to sleep during the nights. At least then Keith would also be asleep.

Keith ignored him. Just like in detention.

"Really? This again? Can't we just have, like a normal conversation?" Lance asked, desperate for any form of entertainment.

"You can't have a normal conversation with me, we've already been through this." Keith said, turning the page in this book.

"I so can! C'mon, let's play twenty one questions or something. I won't make any jokes?" Lance offered. He was honestly just terrified of what would happen if he let bored and fatigue set in.

"No jokes?" Keith asked.

"No jokes, scouts honor." Lance said with a mock salute.

Keith put his book down with a sigh. "Fine, but if you make one crack at my hair, and I'm done." Keith said, curious to see how long Lance would last.

"So I can't call you mullet?" He asked, but received a glare in return, "Okay, no mullet then."

"So twenty one questions?" Lance asked for confirmation. Keith just shrugged.

"Well this'll go great." Lance muttered to himself, but Keith heard it.

"Just ask a damn question." He snapped, already annoyed with him.

Lance held his hands up in surrender. "What's your favorite color?"

"Red." Keith said, thinking the answer was fairly obvious. He was nearly always wearing something red.

"Yeah, I should have guess." Lance said, glancing at his room and noticing the red bed spread and red dresser.

"What's your favorite animal?" Keith asked, drawing a complete blank for questions.

Lance thought about his answer for a second before deciding, "Probably lions."

Keith's eyes widened a fraction in surprise. "Really? Same." He said, not believing that they had anything in common, even a favorite animal.

"Seriously? Well now I need to change my answer." Lance said teasingly, earning a pillow to the face. He just laughed at Keith's annoyance.

"No jokes." Keith reminded him.

"That wasn't so much a joke, more so banter. This would be exceptionally boring without banter." Lance explained.

"Whatever, it's your turn." Keith said, huffing and crossing his arms.

Lance couldn't help himself from asking the next question. "What's with you and Shiro? Are you guys like brothers or something?" He asked. No one had said anything about their relationship and Shiro definitely seemed to young to be Keith's dad. Plus he had called him Shiro, most kids didn't call their parents by their first names un-ironically.

"Not biologically, but we basically are. He's kind of raised me seeing as my mom's always off on business trips." Keith explained, not minding telling Lance because it wasn't something he felt the need to hide.

"What about your dad?" Lance asked out of curiosity.

"I'm pretty sure it's my turn." Keith pointed out, a pinch of humor in his voice. "Why're you so tired?" Keith asked, seeing as he was curious and Lance didn't seem to have care about boundaries.

Lance panicked internally, but didn't let it show. "I was up late last night packing and calling some friends." He said with a  shrug, hoping that Keith would buy it.

"That's not what I mean-"

"Shush, my turn, seeing as you're such a stickler for the rules." Lance interrupted with a smile on his face as Keith let out a breath of annoyance.

"Why don't you live with your dad?"

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