Chapter 20

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"This'll be fun."

"Keith, no." Shiro said with a sigh, already knowing what the younger boy was thinking about.

Keith looked at Shiro with a slight pout. "Why not?! They're gonna rip my boyfriend away from me." He said while crossing his arms.

"Because you don't need to go to juvie for assault, especially since you're so close to eighteen and could probably get charged as an adult. Let's just...not? Okay?" Shiro asked him hopefully.

Keith just grumbled to himself about how stupid and unfair Shiro was being.

"Look, I know how much this must suck for you, trust me, I get it. But they're his parents, Keith. You can't just going picking a fight, especially since they probably don't even suspect you two are together, they're just pissed I'm gay." Shiro explained, twisting his face sourly at how ridiculous that sounded. Lance's parents were mad that he was gay. That's some fucked logic if Shiro had ever heard it.

"Yeah, thankfully I didn't let it slip that you two started dating. They just asked who I was and I said Shiro's boyfriend, thinking nothing of it, and then.... well there was a lot of yelling." Adam said with a slight shiver. Shiro pulled him into side hug, knowing that Adam was definitely a lover and not a fighter, he couldn't stomach yelling and fighting.

A minute later, the short green haired doctor came running back up to them, scaring the living daylights out of all three guys. They thought something had happened to Lance.

"I forgot to tell you, you guys can go see him." He said, out of breath. Two other doctors came walking behind him, the blond and another guy with two toned hair, half red and half white.

"Jesus, you scared the shit out of us!" Keith said, holding a hand over his rapidly beating heart.

Midoriya smiled sheepishly while Shiro smacked the back of Keith's head. Keith just shot him a glare and pushed past the doctors to go see his boyfriend.

The blond doctor didn't like how roughly Keith had bumped into Midoriya and had almost gone after him, but the smaller doctor's hand on his arm stopped him. "Calm down Kacchan, it was kind of my fault anyway, besides the other boy obviously means a lot to him. Just let him be." He said.

"Sorry about him, he's... moody." Shiro said, feeling bad that Keith had been so rude to the doctors.

"Don't worry about it, we completely understand moody." The duel haired doctor said, shooting a look at the blond.

"Oh fuck off, half and half." The blond said with an eye roll.

Midoriya gasped while Adam and Shiro both lightly chuckled. "Kacchan! Watch your language around patients- well I guess they aren't patients, but patients family- wait are you guys family? I kind of assumed but I guess I probably shouldn't-"

"Izuku, shush." The duel haired boy said with a fond smile at the mumbling.

Midoriya snapped out of it, blushing lightly. "Well- um- I'm just gonna- I'm gonna go now-" He said hurriedly while pointing in a different direction.


"Hey, you're up." Keith said gently as he walked into the room Lance was in.

"Yeah, the doctors said I should be fine." Lance shrugged while getting up. He had been told he could leave whenever, so he was already back into his own clothes.

"Did they said you were okay to leave?" Keith asked, already assuming they had seeing as he was basically ready to go.

"Yup." Lance said with a smile. He just wanted to go back to Keith's and spend their last day together before his parents got back the next day.

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