Chapter 21

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"Where is my son?!" Lance's mother yelled as soon as she entered the house.

Lance was quick to rush out of Keith's room and down the stairs, ready to stop either of his parents if they decided to yelled at Shiro or Adam. He was instantly pulled into his mother's arms, a tight embrace he couldn't escape. Keith cautiously made his way down the stairs as well, trying to size up the situation.

"Oh you're okay! I was so worried!" His mother cried, tightening her grip on him.

He groaned as his lungs became restricted. "Mama... can't... breath..." He wheezed. She instantly loosened her grip with a smile.

"Sorry Lance, I was just worried." She fretted. She looked over at the three other males in the living room, her eye hardening. "Now go get your things, we're leaving." She said, not taking her eyes off them.

Lance looked hesitantly between all of them. You could cut the tension with a knife. He slowly made his way up the stairs, Keith moving to follow so he could help Lance grab his stuff. Packing hadn't been high up on their list of priorities when they got back from the hospital.

"You," Lance's father said, pointing a finger at Keith, making him widened his eyes. "Stay away from him." He said with a sneer.

Keith held his hands up in surrender. "I'm just gonna help him pack-"

His father gritted his teeth, "He doesn't need help from a homosexual."

"Okay, calm down. First off, I don't appreciate the homophobia, in my own house. Second off, just because I'm gay, does not mean in any way shape or form that Keith is gay, so don't just assume things. Third off, your son just had a seizure and Keith is trying to help him pack because he got back form the hospital at four in the morning, try being a little more civil." Shiro said, ready to blow his ever loving top. Homophobia directed at him, he hated but could tolerate, but the second it got directed at Keith, all bets were off. He'd cut a bitch.

Adam grabbed his arm, trying to help calm him down. The disgusted look they earned from Lance's parents did little to help with Shiro's growing temper.

"Guys it's fine, I got it." Lance said quietly while disappearing up the stairs and leaving everyone in the entry way of Shiro's house. No one said anything, they all just glared. None of them seemed to want to back down anytime soon.

A few minutes passed before Lance was back down the stairs, his duffle bag in hand. "Let's go." His mother said coldly, holding her arm out for him to follow along.

He threw one last look over his shoulder at Keith, before following both of his parents out of the house.


Keith didn't risk texting Lance that weekend. He wasn't sure if his parents took his phone away or if they were monitoring his texts. If he could, he knew Lance would text him first.

When that did happen and it was already Sunday, Keith texted Hunk. He figured he'd at least know something. When that fell through, Hunk hadn't heard anything either, he texted Allura. If it was like the last time they had a homophobic freak out, he'd only be allowed to talk to girls.

Thankfully, she had been talking to him for most of the weekend. She said that while they were calling, he told her that they were policing his phone like he was five and he wasn't allowed to talk to any guys. He wasn't really sleeping though, which worried Keith.

When Monday rolled around, Keith was itching to get to school. It would be the only place he'd be able to see Lance, for a while at least. Hopefully his parents calmed down after a while and let him hang out with... literally anyone again.

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