Pilot - 1x01 - Mary + Lola (Greer + Aylee + Kenna)

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Mary looks to her ladies sadly, staring Lola in the eye. "There was nothing I could do. I was too late. We're in France, I have no power here. Not yet, anyway. Even if they did tell me beforehand, I couldn't stop it. I'm not Queen here yet." she looks away, brushing a lock of hair from her face. "They have every right to extract punishment for what happened, after all, they didn't know what we do. Or, did." she sighs out, turning to face Lola. "I couldn't save him, I couldn't do anything." 

Lola cries to her Queen "He wasn't a traitor. He wasn't a rapist." she proclaimed, with tears streaming down her face. Mary shook her head again.

"I know you loved him, but he is both of those things." Lola glares at her fiercely. "Am I wrong? Or did I wake with him trying to raise my dress and take my virtue. I know you don't want to believe it. I know what happened between you. But by doing what he did, he would always be a traitor to Scotland, no matter if he was forced or not." she declares. Mary sighs, then, looking at her cousin softer in the eye. "They said he was involved in an English plot. I don't know who to believe or to trust. I won't weep for his loss, if he succeeded, he could have cost me so much, but I will apologise for it to you. I know you loved him, Lola."

Lola suddenly stands up, her face drawn in rage. She explodes upon her Queen and cousin. "You're the reason he's dead!" she cries out. Mary glares at her friend. "Anyone who's close to you lives in constant danger. We're disposable, all of us." she cries again. "Kenna's my friend. Greer and Aylee are my friends. You are my queen, and we're your subjects. We're here in service to you, whatever that means, whatever it costs us."

Mary really gave her something to cry about when her hand suddenly took flight and struck Lola across her face. She shrieks in surprise, stumbles back against the settee the ladies had sat upon. The ladies in waiting gasp in surprise. Mary's face is dark with her fury at the audacity of Lola's words.

"How dare you talk to me like that!" she snaps, advancing upon Lola like a lion does to it's pray. "How dare you! You forget your place, my lady!" she spits out the title. "You forget who I am, as well! You're my bastard cousin, and you think you can speak to your Queen in such a manner? I think not, my lady!" she snaps. "I am sorry for your loss, but I will not -I repeat, not- weep for it! What would you have me do, Lola? Lay back and enjoy it as much as possible as my virtue is destroyed? As all hope for alliance with France, with any country is evaporated into nothing, just like that?!" she snaps her fingers for emphasis, not really sure where such a manner of speaking was coming from, but it gave her an odd sort of pleasure to watch Lola collapse onto the settee in tears, bowing her head in shame. "All so your precious little country boy won't be punished for treason?! Are you that foolish or are you simply a child? Because I may have grown up sheltered in a convent, but even I am aware that that is not how this world works! I thought I could trust you, trust you all, but you stand there and accuse me of my attempted rape being my fault?! And you three simply sit there and let her verbally abuse me in such a ridiculous manner? Also, stand up, all of you. Everybody knows that you don't sit in front of a royal when they're on their feet." she huffed. In an instant, her ladies stood up. Two heads light and two heads dark bowed in submission as Mary continued her verbal tirade. "You don't like the fact that life isn't sunshine and rainbows? Welcome to being associated with a Queen, Lola! I thought you were brought up knowing these things! Apparently, I'm wrong! But, you are right about one thing, you are here in service to me. Whatever that means for you, whatever the cost! Why? Because I am a Queen! I will not do whatever I can to help you, that is your job! I do whatever I can to serve Scotland, because, once again, I am a Queen! If I say jump, you are to ask how high! You are forbidden to talk to me in such a disrespectful manner! You're here to find a wealthy man and provide him with children, all the while tying my shoes and doing my corsets up. You think that kind of life is hard? Think again! Imagine a life like this one, where you have to be mindful of poisoned wine and rape to keep your virtue to make the most advantageous marriage possible! Also, whilst you're at it, make sure whatever man marries you keeps his limbs out of my bed. It would be most appreciated." Mary rolled her eyes. "You are to pull yourself together and placate nobility and serve me. This kind of behaviour will not be tolerated a second time. I will not forgive those words, nor will I forget them. But you have one final chance to do as your duty to me commands. After all, you are not my friends. You are my subjects. You are here to service me, regardless of the cost." she hissed.


That was therapeutic to write! Lola stans, how are you gonna excuse your goddesses' behaviour this time? Is she still intelligent and badass after victim blaming Mary for her attempted rape? I think not! Anyway, suggest more scenes to rewrite in the comments, please! I may have a busy life, but with this quarantine, I'm really bored and I wanna write a lot more now. I'm thinking of rewriting the fainting scene from 2x17 (I think!) and a Henry scene, so if you have any ideas, let a girl know!




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