Proper Goodbye

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(Set in season 3) Ian goes to talk to Svetlana about marrying Mickey. After the visit, where Ian may have let out a thing or two that he shouldn't of, Svetlana tells Mickey. Then Mickey confronts Ian and......

Word Count: 2,660

Ian's POV
I swore to myself I wouldn't do it. The second Mandy said that Mickey was getting married I've felt this burning in my chest and my stomach. Sometimes it's more unbearable than others. Sometimes it's so unbearable that i just wanna die. Die and disappear into nothingness. Maybe that way i won't feel anything. I won't feel the hurt and the regret. I regret not being more upfront with me and Mickeys relationship. Maybe if I showed him that I love him earlier, things would be different. He wouldn't marry her. I swore to myself that I wouldn't do it.

But there I was. Standing outside of the Garden Springs Spa. (Which was actually a hideout for prostitutes.) I was feeling nervous and almost changed my mind. I wasn't even sure who she was at first. Mandy just said that he was getting married. She didn't say Svetlanas name until I asked for it. Not that that made a big difference.

I was about to turn back, but the second my hand touched the door, all I felt was rage. I felt angry about everything.

There came that chest feeling again.

Ouch! Its hurts! But I pushed that pain away, walked in, and looked around. After a second, she walked out of another room about 10 feet away from me. My heart sunk. I recognized her the second I saw her. She was the prostitute that raped Mickey. I didn't feel angry once I saw her. I just felt sad. Like I wanted to cry. But I didn't. Instead, I went to the front desk and asked for Svetlana. I've never been to a place like this before, so I wasn't sure how this was gonna go.

After a couple minutes, she called my name. Ugh. She is so pretty.

I walk into the room and sit down on the massage bed. She just stands there for a minute looking at me like she recognizes me from somewhere.
"Do I know you?" She asked, genuinely.
"Uh, yes....." I tried not to say it but somehow my anger broke out again.
"I'm the one who's boyfriend you fucked, bitch."

Oh, my god.

I felt like a fucking teenage girl. But it just slipped out. The thing is though, I didn't even regret it... Judging from the expression on her face, she knew exactly who I was talking about.

"Oh, you Mickey's boy. Hmm?"
I nodded, looking down. Somthing about hearing her say her fiance's name broke me. My face was still brused from the encounter I had with Mickey the day before.
"Ur face. He did that? Is that what's gonna happen with me?"
"No, he's not like that. He wouldn't hit a woman."
"Though he hits man he loves, no?"
I was speechless. I didn't know what to say because sadly, she was right... I wanted to yell at her and tell her that he would beat her and their baby to death. But I had to settle for something a little less abrupt.
"Okay, listen lady. He loves me and I love him. Okay? He doesn't love you. So why don't you go run away and never come back."
Her eyebrows raised.
"I was joking. He love you? Interesting. Wonder what his father will think of that."

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

If she tells Terry that he's in love with me, I'm not sure that I will ever see him again. I began to get panicked.

"Get naked or leave."

I stood up and looked at her dead in the eyes. "Tell his dad and you'll regret it." She smiled. She fucking smiled. What the hell? Guess being threatening is not my specialty. I just scoff and walk out, slamming the door. I leave without paying. Cause I'm not gonna pay for that bullshit. I ran home really, really fast. My heart was beating so hard the whole time. Shit. I might have just ruined Mickeys life. I'd rather have him marry someone than be fucking murdered by his homophobic shitsack of a father. It was almost 7 p.m., so I soon as I got home I went straight up to bed and told Fiona that I had a migraine. Which, I kinda did.....

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