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Mickey attempts to teach he and Ians 16 year old son, MJ, how to drive. MJ gets frustrated with his dad, so he asked Ian to help instead. Ian was way worst.

Word Count: 1 028

"Okay, I get it, fuck!" MJ yelled.

"Then fucking do it right!" Mickey yelled back. He was in the passenger seat of their old beat down car.

"Why do I even need to learn how to drive anyway?"

"So that you can drive me and your dad places."

MJ rolled his eyes, "Are you fucking serious? You guys don't go anywhere as it is."

"Well, maybe we would if our son can drive.  Now, eyes on the road, fool."

MJ smiled and focused on the road. After a few more minutes of driving around Mickey suddenly started yelling. "Turn right!"

"Okay, Jesus!"

They turned a sharp right and Mickey rolled eyes.

"You didn't tell me to turn right before hand."

"Yes, I did. You just weren't listening."

"You know what? I want dad to help me."

"What's wrong with me doing it?"

MJ chuckled sarcastically, "Did you really just fucking ask that?"

Mickey rolled his eyes and leaned back, "Fine, but if you think I'm bad, Ian's gonna be way worst."

"I seriously doubt that."

"Shut the fuck up and pay attention to the Goddamn road."

When they got home MJ parked terribly but Mickey didn't say anything. They went inside and Ian was shocked to see them back so soon.

"Back so soon?"

"Yup." Mickey walked over to Ian, who was on his phone in the kitchen, and leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Well, thank God my mistress didn't get here yet," Ian joked.

Mickey raised his eyebrows, "That who you're texting, tough guy?"

"Maybe," Ian smiled tauntingly, holding the phone away from Mickey.

Mickey laughed and tried to grab the phone out from his hand. "Fuck you," he said, reaching up in attempt to get the device

They played around a little bit until Mickey gave up. "You know what? I don't even care."

"Mhm," Ian smiled.

They always act like they are teenagers. Sometimes its still like their 17 running down the alleyway after Mickey beat the shit out of Ians grandpa boyfriend.

"Anyways, your son wants you to teach him how to drive instead of me."

Ian smiled, "Yeah, you can be a little pushy."

"Fine, then go on." Mickey basically pushed them out of the house. Then he turned on the TV and started watching whatever show was on.

"Okay! Let's do this!" Ian said enthusiasticly.


"What the fuck is this?" Ian asked, gesturing to the poorly parked car.

"What do you mean?"

"Why the fuck did you park like that?"

"Park like what!?"

"You're supposed to park straight, not sideways."

"It's not sideways, just, ugh, lets go. Come one."

They both got into the car and MJ started it.

"Jesus! Try not to scratch the whole car!"

"Dad! Please stop!"

They continued to drive until it's time to take another turn.

"Yo, I turn up here, right?"

"Yup. Just stop at the stop sign."


They stopped at the stop sign and Ian dramatically leaned up and looked back and forth. "You need to look, MJ."

"I was going to, but you beat me to it."

"Slow down! What the hell! Are you trying to kill us?"

MJ rolled his eyes and kept looking at the road.

"That's a red-light dumbass."

"I know! I am stopping! Holy fuck!"

"Watch your mouth."

MJ made a couple rights and turned arojund to go back to their house.

"Where the fuck are we going?!"

"I'm going back home."

"Why? We aren't done yet."

MJ ignored his dad and kept going.

When they got home, MJ parked the car poorly again, got out, slammed the car door, and marched inside.

"Why are you angry?" Ian said as he walked in the door after his son.


"Back so soon?" Mickey asked while standing up from the couch, mocking the way that Ian said it earlier.

"It's both of you! Holy shit! I just can't get a fucking break!"

"Alright, calm down," Mickey said.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Mikhalio!" Ian yelled. He's not usually a yeller. Like, at all. Mickey and MJ both went quiet and jumped, that being both of their names. Mikhalio Junior. Ian chose it of course. Mickey wanted to name him Rex or Hunter or some stupid name like that but Ian stopped it. Plus, he just loves the name Mkhalio so much.

After a moment of silence Mickey snorts a little. "Damn, full name. You're in trouble." He smiles and walks away.

Ian rolls his eyes. You would think that Mickeys the bad cop, but usually not. He hates to yell at his kid in fear of being like his own father. But, Ian had no problem with it.

"Go to your room. You can't drive until you know how to behave appropriately."

MJ groaned and started walking to his room. Ian was still talking until he shut his bedroom door.
"You're 16, MJ. Learn to respect your fucking parents. This is pathetic and I am absolutely done with all the disrespect!" The door slammed shut.

Ian basically sank into the couch next to Mickey. Mickey looked over at him and smiled.
"What are you smiling out?" Ian asked, gaining a small smile on his owm face.

"Nothing. I just think it's cute when you get all parenty."


"Shut up." They both laughed.
"Oh, he's gonna turn our hair grey," Mickey said with a sigh.

"Uh, I think that's already happened for you, grandpa," Ian joked as he played with the sides of Mickeys hair.

He raised his eyebrows, "Oh really?"

"Oh, yeah."

Mickey just smiled more.

"Come here, Grandpa."

They kissed, then went to the bedroom to... well.... uh yeah......

Anyways, they didn't try to teach MJ how to drive again until he was almost 18. They mostly forgot about it. But, when it was time it was a lot easier.

And Mickey was right. Everyday another hair on his head grew from black to grey.

Grandpa... soon to be...

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