Even Fate Picks Its Favorites.

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Terry dies and Mickey pretends to be happy but really, he is hurting.

Word Count: 2, 452

"Well, I'm sorry that you suck," said Mickey.

"Okay, one more time," Ian replied.

"Fine, but I'm just gonna beat you again."

"Okay, I'll be X's this time."

Mickey rolled his eyes and began playing the game again. The game that they have been playing for almost an hour and the game that Ian has lost almost every single time.

Mickey won again.

"Whatever, this is a stupid game anyway. Tic Tac Toe? Who the fuck names a game that?" Ian squawked.

"Oh, I thought it was called X's and O's. That makes a lot more sense."

"How the hell did you beat me?"

Mickey laughed at his husband being a sore loser and got up to go work on the computer.

Mickey has recently been taking online classes to get his high-school diploma.

Theres nothing better to do anyway, so why not?

Of course Ian wouldn't let that fly.

Ian has been incredibly clingy lately.

He always had to be with Mickey. Even in the bathroom, Ian would lean on the sink or sit on the side of the bathtub and continue the conversation. Sometimes they didn't even talk. Ian just wanted to be around him. It started to get really bad just a couple days ago but it felt like a long time.

"Where are you going?" Ian groaned in a whiny tone.

Mickey rolled his eyes but smiled. No matter how needy and clingy and high mantance Ian is Mickey will pretend to be annoyed. But, really he loves and craves it.

"I have to get my essay done for English before 6."

"Shit, Mick, that's in like 30 minutes."

"I know! You wanted to play Tic Tac Toe!"

"Well, you could have told me that you needed to get something done!"

"Well, I'm gonna go and finish it. Please don't come with me. I need to concentrate!"

Ian through his hands up in surrender.
"Okay, fine. Go get it done."

Mickey nodded and headed upstairs. He went into, what he calls his 'office' but was really just their bedroom.

Ian sat on the couch for a few moments before going upstairs and sitting next to the closed door on the floor. About 10 minutes pass and Ian is just sitting there with his head leaned back against the door frame and his four arms rested on his bented knees.

Debbie walks by with a basket of laundry and notices Ian. He looks unhappy. Ian doesn't notice her at first but opens his eyes and jumps a little when she speaks.

"What are you doing?" She says abruptly.

"Oh, I'm just waiting for Mick."

"Okay," she was confused. "Why are you on the ground?"

"He didn't want me to come with him."

Debbie somewhat gets it, so she nods her head. Also, she didn't really care enough to ask again.

At 6:20 pm the door opened and Mickey looked down at Ian fast asleep on the hard floor. In the same position he was in before, but head hanging down into his knees.

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