I Feel Trapped.

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Ian and Mickey are in quarantine. Mickey gets frustrated with the safety percutaneous when he meets a beautiful, toxic stranger that causes a conflict.

Mickey feels as he did when his dad was always controlling and abusing him,  which made him more hostile. Ian realizes that and does whatever he can to make Mickey feel free again... At least mentally...

Word Count: 2 167

"Ugh!" Mickey nearly yelled in frustration.


"I can't fucking breathe in these things!!"

"Just keep in on for a little longer, Mick. It's not that bad."

"Yeah, says you."

Ian rolled his eyes and continued to put various groceries into the shopping cart that Mickey was pushing.

When they got home, all the Gallaghers were playing board games in the living room. An activity that has been occurring a lot since quarantine started.

"Yo, come join us!" Said Lip loudly as Mickey ran upstairs in anger and Ian took his coat and shoes off at the door. He just sighed and pointed upstairs. Lip nodded as he watched Ian head up the stairs reluctantly.

"I don't get why we have to wear those stupid masks," Mickey said once Ian entered the room.

"So we don't get sick."

Mickey just rolled his eyes.

"But, if I'm gonna be honest, it would be nice if you didn't have a temper tantrum everyday. It's getting old."

Mickey furrowed his eyebrows.
"What the fuck does that mean?"

"You need to stop acting like a toddler when ever you don't like something. It's not cute, it's embarrassing."

Mickey didn't know what to say.
"Shut the fuck up!"

Ian sighed.

"Why are you being such a dick?" Mickey yelled.

Ians voice was calm this whole time. "I'm not being a dick, Mickey, I'm just done ignoring your shitty aditude. It's  exhausting."

"Well, whatever. If you don't like how I am then we can break up."

"I didn't say that I wanted to break up."

"No, its fine." Mickey ran downstairs and outside. He still had his coat and shoes on. Ian just sat down on their bed and put his head in his hands. He knew that Mickey will be back later tonight. Shit like this tends to happen a lot. Ian doesn't know why Mickeys been so bitchy lately and there's no way in hell that he's gonna tell him, so...

Ian came downstairs to hangout with his family. Lip asked, "Where'd Mickey go?"

"Hell if I know."

Lip snorted as Ian went to the kitchen. He got up and followed him. Ian got out two beers for him and his brother.

"He forgot his mask," Lip jokes and Ian laughed as he leaned against the kitchen counter.

"I don't know what's going on with him."

"I'd say that you should just talk with him, but I assume you already tried that."

"Yeah," Ian sighed. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"What are you gonna do?"

"Well, I can't just keep putting up with his bullshit."

"Relationships are tough. Couples fight."

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