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Franny tries to scare Mickey and gets clocked.

(Sorry it's short and shitty, but I do think that it's cute🥺...)

Word count: 629

Fanny was just 6 years old. Everything was rainbows and butterflies at this age.

Most of her days consist of playing with her Unkle Mickey because he babysat her during the day. It was summertime, so she didn't have kindergarten and Mickey was struggling to find a stable job right now. But, Debbie pays. 5 bucks an hour, but that's better than nothing. Plus, Mickey loves it. Everyday that he spends with Franny, going to the mall, building mud houses, having tea partys, and teaching her how to steal mini figurines that they don't need from yard sales that they can't afford just makes Mickey want to have kids even more.

One day, Mickey went off to the bathroom for a few minutes and left Franny to watch her silly little TV show.

But, when he left, she got an idea.
A devilish grin appeared on her face as she went to go hide behind the corner of the stairs.

As Mickey was walking down she jumped out and yelled, "BOO!"


Mickey didn't even scream, he just swung. He didn't realize what he did until he saw Franny unconscious on the floor with a red mark on her face.

'Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfukcufkxxukckixjdksisjjsjjdkakqjwjdujsoakownsiejeosbusakqnqiqnzueoaowondhfgsujsj' he thought.

Mickey didn't know what to do, so he just called Ian.

Ian: Hey, baby. What's up?
Mickey: Um, Ian.. I did something bad. Like really bad.
Ian: Well, what the hell did you do?
Mickey: Uhm.. could you just come home please? Like, ASAP?
Ian: Yeah, sure I'll be there in 5.

When Ian got home he ran through the front door and saw Mickey standing over Frannys limp body.

"What the fuck did you do!?"

"She scared me and I accidentally hit her."

Ian pushed his man child out of the way and tried to wake Franny up by tapping on her cheeks lightly and shaking her whole body with his big ass hands.
It worked.

She woke up confused and holding her forehead in her hands.
"What happened?" She asked.

Ian sat her up on the dining room table, took a flashlight, and started looking into her eyes to make sure that she didn't have a concussion. "Unkle Mickey knocked you out."

It shocked Mickey how flat out Ian said that. He just had to add in, "By accident." With a little finger up and eyebrows raised and everything.....

"Because I scared you?" She said again after a second. A little smile gained on the face when she looked at Mickey. She saw that he was all tense and that his were glassy. She wanted to make him feel better, so she smiled a little bigger and placed her tiny hand on top of his tiny hand.

"I'm okay. See? I'm all better now." Fanny was talking in a funny voice, like you would to a toddler if they fell down and you were trying to help them not cry. She also rubbed his hand a little in a reassuring way.

Ian let her stand up on the chair, so that she can hug Mickey.

"I'm so sorry. I'll never do that again!" Mickey cried a little into the shoulder of her purple shirt.

"It's okay, Unkle Mickey. It was my fault," she kind of giggled. Then she put both of her pale hands on each side of Mickeys face. "See? It's all better." And kissed his forehead. Mickey smiled and nodded.

Ian smiled, too. He thought that it was the cutest thing ever and he wasn't wrong.

They continued to play and never told anyone else. Until the next day when a bruise appeared on Frannys forehead.....

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