My Pretty Little Raven Haired Princess

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(Set In Season 4) Ian gets drunk and outs Mickey at the Alibi.

Word Count: 743

"Another one," Ian demands moving his glass towards Vee.

It's been a long day for Ian, and it will be a long night. With his job still as a 'dancer' at the Fairy Tale.....
Ian is in a bad mood. Mostly because of the fight he had with Lip. Lip dosen't want Mickey to stay at the Gallagher house anymore but Ian says otherwise. What's he gonna do? Kick his lover out? Though that's not how other people see it. Mickey is not out and it kills Ian. Ian just wants to be able to hold Mickeys hand and kiss him in public. To show Mickey off to his work friends and to have Mickey be proud of who he is.

"Are you sure, Ian?" Vee asked concerned, looking at his 5 empty beer bottles in front of him.
"Don't you think you should slow down a little?"

"My money's just as good somewhere else, Vee."

Veronica rolled her eyes and refilled his cup. She walked to the back and Kevin came upfront to take over.
"Hey, man. Rough day?"

"Kinda... Lip was being such a fucking prick."

"Oh yeah? What happened?"

"Well... I can't really tell you, cause' if I did then I'd end up saying a lil' too much."

"What do you mean...?"

"We had a fight about my boyfriend,  that's all I'll say."

"Well..... who's your boyfriend?"

"I can't tell you, silly!" Ian said in an angry tone, pointing his finger at Kevs face. Or, at least trying to aim for Kevs face. He was pointing more at the wall though...
"I'd get in trouble. But I wish I could tell you.. I guess I could tell you a little about him."

"Well, go on then..."

"He's very, very pretty. And he's little. He a pretty little princess."

"Oh, he's a pretty little princess?" Kev was smiling and nodding along. Then, Vee walked up again to join the conversation.
"Hey, Vee! Did you hear that Ian's dating a pretty little princess."
She started laughing, "What?!"

"Mmhm. And his hair is dark, like a raven."

"Oh, so he's a raven haired princess, too?"

"No, he's MY pretty little raven haired princess."

Kev and Vee can't stop laughing.

"He's nice, and sexy, and funny, and perfect."

"Sound like he's got the whole package."

"Oh, he's got a package alright! Haha! And that's perfect, too! Though he's a bottom. Nice ass, too!"

The regulars at the Alibi, basically just Tommy and Kermit, joined into the conversation. Since Ian was basically yelling, almost everyone could hear him.

"Tell us more, buddy," Kev said.

"Well---,"he was cut off by the bell on the door ringing. That means that somebody just walked in. And guess who it is....

Ian's head turned and we squealed super loud. "Hiya, Mickey!"

"Uh.. hey?" Mickey said, trying to play it off cool.

When Mickey sat down, Ian jumped on his lap and grabbed his face.
"There's my pretty little raven haired princess!!!" Then, he started to kiss every inch of his face. Everyone gasped and Mickey was frozen in shock.

After a second Mickey snapped out of it and pushed Ian off of him. "What the fuck, Ian?!??!"

It was silent.
"Wait," Vee started, "Mickey, your Ian's boyfriend?"

"What? No! Of couse not, why would you think that?!?!?!" Mickey yelled.

Kevin started, "Well, cause'... Ian was just drooling about how perfect his boyfriend is.... then you walked in and he called you his pretty little raven haired princess... then you know, he kissed you--"


"Baby, ur a little red," Ian said pointing at Mickeys face, which was blushing really bad...

"I'm not your fucking baby!" Mickey yelled and pushed Ian out of the way so he can storm out.

"Well, now I'm in trouble. Fucking thanks guys!" Ian complained and sat back down.

"Hey, is he gonna be okay? You sure you don't wanna go after him?" asked Vee.

"Nah. He needs to simmer down a little. I don't wanna get a bloody nose," Ian laughed. Everyone was still a little phased. "Hey! Better not tell anyone or make fun of him about it, or he will kill you! And especially don't tell his dad!"

Vee and Kev just looked at eachother, feeling bad for Mickey.

"But dosen't my pretty little raven haired princess look so cute when he's angry?"

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