Let Me Hold You

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(Set in season 3 at their sleepover before everything went to SHIT!)
Ian tries to cuddle Mickey during the night and he gives in. Mickey likes waking up next to Ian.

Word Count: 2,223

Ian's POV

Movies, beers, joints, and occasional small chuckles.

That was most of the night for us. Although, I did come to a realization about something. Mickey likes cuddles. That's right. Mickey Milkovich, the biggest badass and thug on the south side of the Chicago river, loves to be snuggled.

In the middle of the second random movie, Mickey scooted closer to me. I mean, he grabbed the remote on the table in front of us, to turn the volume up, then scooted closer to me as he leaned back on the couch. He did that a couple times throughout the night until the TV was way too loud and he had to turn it back down. I could also feel him watching me. But, I pretended that I didn't. I know that if I showed Mickey that I knew what he was doing, then he would get scared and stop immediately.

After a couple more movies and the same damn remote move I decided to move things a step further. Because I knew that Mickey never would.

So, I scooted closer to him and put my arm around his shoulders. He got all tense and nervous, but I thought that it was cute. I was fully expecting to be pushed away and have to settle for just the closeness without my arm around him, but that didn't happen. He didn't push me away. Instead he melted into my arms. 'Maybe it was the beer' I thought to myself, or 'maybe it was just the fact that it was like midnight and both of our eyes were about to fall out'. Whatever it was, I was going to enjoy it for as long as I could. Hey, maybe he'll be like this in the night. But, probably not. I'll try.....

When I felt his head rest on my chest and his small arms wrap around me I knew that he was about to pass out. Plus, I had work in the morning. So, I rubbed his knee and whispered, "Bedtime?"

When I spoke, he jumped and went back to his tense and nervous state. I think that he forgot that I was a human for a second. Like we could just cuddle forever and there be no interruptions. But, nope. He stretched and turned off the TV. "Whatever," he groaned and went to the bathroom. I just chuckled a little and went to the bed.
Sleepy Mickey is so cute.

I put some pajama pants on and took my shirt off. I would sleep naked, but I don't think we're there yet. I layed down on the inside of the bed, since it was pushed up again the peach wall. Paint peeling and his room smelled of cigarettes and cookie dough. I wasn't gonna ask why is smelled like he just downed two pounds of pure cookie dough before I got here... but I was wondering... There was also a bump underneath the blankets so I went to check it out.

It was a fucking teddy  bear.

I smiled to myself and held it in my hands. I smelled it. It smelled like vanilla and lemon. It smelled good. Really good. And it was the softest thing I've ever felt. It was brown with a black nose and white on the bottom of the feet and on the palms of the paws. On the one foot it had the date Augest tenth, 1994. I wonder what that date is..... On the other paw it had the name snuggles on it, in red ink. And it had the brightest blue eyes ever. I gripped it in my hands and layed back on to one of the pillows.

I closed my eyes, being super tired as well. When I opened them, I saw Mickey standing at the side of the bed watching me, wide eyed, and looking at the situation. He looked like he was trying to figure something out. Like he was trying to make a decision. Maybe he was deciding whether to punch me in  the face for finding his stuffed animal, or to play it off cool.

Mickey's POV

When I got back from the bathroom I saw Ian cuddled up in the blankets closest to the wall.

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