Is That A Hickey I See?

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Mandy and Ian are hanging out at the Milkovich house. Mandy spots a hickey on Mickeys neck and calls him out for it. Revealing way more information  about Mickey than Ian had the knolage of.......

Word count: 1,460

                        ~Over Text~

Mandy🖕: Hey Ian, you wanna come over and hang? I'm hella bored... 🙄

Ian🤗: Yeah! Be over in ten.

Mandy🖕 K.

                     ~Done Texting ~

Mandy sighed with relief, knowing that her boredom would not last any longer. Ian is always that one person that can turn your shitty day into a great day just by being there. She hopped off her bed, went to the fridge, and grabbed a couple beers in preparation for their hangout.

Ian was also board. He has just been sitting on his ass watching TV for most of the day. At least now he can sit on his ass and watch TV with Mandy for the rest of the day.

Though, he did have that feeling in his stomach. That tingling, exited feeling. It was because he knew that Mickey would be there. They just had their first kiss a couple days ago in the driveway of Ian old ass boy toys ex wife's house. I know. And they haven't really stopped since. Every moment that they got together they were, you know... together. But, not just in a sexual way. Yes, they had sex but it wasn't just that anymore. When they are kissing, it is just passionate and loving. They'll hold on to the back of eachothers heads, afraid to let go. Holding on so tight to eachothers shirt as if they loosened their grips they would lose eachother. Nothing terrified them more than the idea of losing eachother. Though, neither of them would admit it.

There was a knock on the door and Mandy jumped up. As she opened it mickey yelled, "Who's at the fucking door!?"

"It's for me, assface!" Mandy yelled back. Ian's stomach still fluttering from hearing the sound of Mickeys sexy voice. "Come on in," she continued while pointing to the couch.  "Have a seat." They both sat down on the couch and began talking about whatever came to mind.

In the corner of his eye Ian can see Mickey looking at him with the smallest smile on his face. Ian looks at Mickey and smiles back. Mandy turns around, curious to see what Ian's looking at. "What the fuck are you at?"

"Fuck off," Mickey snaps back before entering the living room and plopped himself on a chair next to the couch and grabbed a magazine to look at. "What's going on here?"

"Oh, just hanging out with my boyfriend," she replied.
Mickey eyes immediately shot up and his eyebrows raised. "Oh yeah?"

"No," Mandy chuckled, "He's not my official boyfriend. Maybe the fact that he's gay is getting in the way..."

They both giggled a little and began talking again. Mickey managed to crack a small smile and back to, People Magazine it was.

"Speaking of boyfriends..... have any one in mind, Ian?"
"Oh, my god! You do! Telll!!!!!"

Mickey continued looking down.

"I can't tell you, he's not out and I want to respect him." Mickey smiled down at his magazine, trying to hide it but Ian saw. Can't keep anything from him.....

"Wow, very respectful of you, Gallagher. You learn those manners in Sunday School?" Mickey asked teasingly.

"Shut up, asshole. I think it's sweet that he cares."

GALLAVICH oneshots 🥴🥴💕Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon