So, How Was Everyones Day?

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Summary: Mickey get frustrated about Terry being a fucking asshole, as usual, and Ian calms him down.

Word Count: 599

Every single time Mickey and Ian did something, Terry would have a temper tantrum. When they got married, when Mickey moved to the Gallagher house, when they are going to get their own apartment, and eventually, when they get their first kid.

Terry, again, threatened to kill Mickey if he got an apartment with Ian. Of course that didn't change their plans one bit, but Mickey was still pissed off. He liked to pretend that his dad didn't get to him, but he did.

Ian, Mickey, Lip, and Fiona were all sitting at the dining room table drinking beer. Ian and Mickey were sitting across from eachother. As were Lip and Fiona. The rest of the kids were off doing who knows what. They were all talking about the usual. It was after dinner, so they shared eachothers day with one another. Mickey was the only one not in the conversation. Instead, he was going through a newspaper trying to find an apartment. Knowing that his dad didn't want this made him want to find one faster.

Fiona: Mick, maybe you should take a break.

Lip: Yeah, you haven't stopped looking for like 3 days.

Mickey: Well, you know what? (He said in a threatening tone) When your dad threatens to kill you, just because you wanna be happy with your husband, then we can talk.

He looked like he was going to cry. Of course he didn't. Never in front of anyone, except for Ian. He raised his voice and continued...

Mickey: And I already have enough fucking shit on my plate and the possibility of my dad trying to hurt the people I love just makes me wanna reach down his fucking throat, rip out his tongue, and hang that motherfuc--

He was cut off.

Ian: Babe, li--

Mickey: The fuck did you call me?

They usually didn't use pet names like baby or honey. Other than the once in a while, tough guy or mumbles.
He tried to sound threatening, but again, it was Ian. So, he really didn't really have much luck there.
They kinda just made eye contact for a second.

Fiona and Lip sat in tension waiting for Mickey to start screaming at Ian. That didn't happen. The second Mick saw the sides of Ian's mouth go up he couldn't stay mad. Ian smiled. Then Mickey smiled. Still making eye contact. After a second, Mickey blushed and looked down. He does like when Ian calls him pet names but he 'just had' to keep up his tough guy image. He grabbed his beer, put the newspaper on the chair beside him, and relaxed. His cheeks still flushed and his lips still grinning just the tiniest bit.

Lip and Fiona were kind of confused of what was happening for that ten seconds of silence. Honestly, they kind of wanted to see if Mickey would yell at Ian. Fiona and Lip have this bet that Mickey will freak out at Ian sometime in between their marriage and until they move to their own place. But they always seem to calm eachother down and make eachother happy. No matter what the situation is. It's like their connected somehow. In a way that just a glance between one another can do more than 100 men. It was truly incredible.

Ian kicked him lightly on his knee. Just to let Mickey know that everything was okay. He took a deep breath.

Mickey: So, how was everyones day?

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