Put Your Pinky Up, It's Proper.

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Ian comes home and catches Mickey.....

(.A little short.)

Word Count: 733

Ian was at work as an EMT. He has the morning shift then gets the rest of the day off, so he got a pretty good deal. It was 30 minutes until his shift was over and he was nothing but exited. He loves his job, but he'd much rather be at home having dance party's in the kitchen and watching his 8 year old daughter put on plays and sing her favorite songs in the living room. Baby Shark is the winner right now and she can't get enough of it. Mickey hates it with a passion. He dies a little bit inside everytime he hears it but thats okay.

When he got home he walked through the front door quietly, hung his coat up, and kicked off his shoes into their shoe basket by the door.

He heard giggling from from Mizzy and Mickey and slowly walked into the living, making sure that they couldn't see him.

They were sitting down at a tiny table that didn't fit Mickeys knees. They had tea cups in their hands and Mizzy had a pink, poofy dress on.

Mickey stopped laughing for a second, "No, no, get it right child. Put your pinky up, it's proper. Like a princess." Mickey put his pinky up and sipped his invisible 'tea'.

"Ohhhh, okay sorry daddy," Mizzy said still giggling as she put her pinky up and pretended to drink out of her small cup.

"That's better."

"How do you know all this stuff?"

"I do my research." She giggled again.

"Oh, do you?" Ian said suddenly, smiling and they both jumped.

"Daddy!" Mizzy yelled smiling and ran over to hug Ian. Mickey just stood up with an embarrassed smile on his face.

"Whats going on here?"

"Oh, me and daddy were having a tea party and apparently I was doing everything thing wrong," she said rolling her eyes but smiling. Ian laughed.

"Okay, let's  get lunch going in starving! Are you-" suddenly Ian gasped very dramatically and pointed to Mickeys hands while covering his mouth in shock.

Mickey looked down to his hands and put them behind his back. Mizzy starts cracking up because she knows what her dad was looking at.

"Mikhalio Aleksandr Milkovich, did you paint your fingernails!?"

"No! She did!" He yelled pointed to his daughter.

"You painted mine I was returning the favor! Its the polite thing to do, daddy!" She also yelled.

It was quiet for a moment before Ian started cackling like a hyena.

"Oh, my God thats so funny!"

"Its not that funny! Let's go make some lunch."

They all made lunch, peanut butter sandwiches and doritoes, and sat down at the dining room table to eat.

"So, pink, huh?"

"That was her idea," Mickey said before taking a big bite of his sandwich.

"You are such a lier."

"What do you mean, princess?" Ian looked at Mizzy.

"Daddy, you said that we would be like twins, not me." The amount of adorable sass that was coming out of this little girl was incredible.

"Stop calling me out!" Mickey said to her.

She smiled and scrunched up her nose, "Stop lying to daddy so you don't get embarrassed."

Mickey licked his lips and rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Ian laughed once again.

Later that night when Mickey and Ian were laying in bed just chilling. Ian was on Mickeys phone because his was playing lullaby music for Mizzy in her room. And since Ian can't go 1 hour without his phone, Mickey let's him use his at night.

"Oh, my God. You actually searched up 'How to have a tea party?'."

"What the fuck! Don't go through my history."

"I didn't babe, its still in the search bar."


Ian giggled and moved closer to Mickey. "Well, when she wanted to have one I panicked.  I wanted to do it right but turns out that she didn't know a damn thing about tea partys."

"Well, you can teach me tomorrow because I'm joining that one."

Mickey smiled like a goofball, "And we can paint your nails and you can become our triplet."

Ian rolled his eyes. "If that's what you want, princess."

They both giggled and drifted off to sleep. Awaiting tomorrow's tea party. If Mickey can make it through the whole thing without popping a vein.

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