16~Trick or Threat~16

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Kinda based off the episode this will be written differently since I kinda want to similar to the song...
Who is speaking:
Little girl

Late at night, on Halloween Tom, Kenzie and Edd were fast asleep. While Matt watched TV, and at some sweets. A little girl knocked and said
"Trick or treat!"
Matt slammed the door and took a seat. But suddenly, the girl was on the screen! The lights flickered, this wasn't a dream, she leapt at him and he screamed!
Edd and Kenzie ran out to save Matt's life, Matt was gone but he had a knife! Matt swung and Edd and Kenzie fell to their knees. They looked at him and began to plead.
"What happened Matt?"
"Have you gone insane?"
"I can't help it guys, she's inside my brain!"
Matt plunged the knife into Edd, but it hit Edd's lucky can instead! Edd and Kenzie ran off found a place to hide. Matt couldn't find them through he tried. Kenzie and Eddie both felt like they were in the clear, until they saw her eyes, and screamed in fear.
Matt rushed over and opened the door and Edd jumped out with a furious roar as Kenzie walked out with glowing and watch them fight so savagely. That the little girl clapped her hands with glee as Kenzie just sighed ate some candy! Tom burst in, they stopped in surprise.
"I'm trying to sleep, c'mon knock off guys!"
The little girl stared at Tom with an evil grin, but her powers had no effect on him. So Tom kicked her out the door and said.
"Don't come back anymore!"
The curse on Edd, Matt and Kenzie was gone. So they all turned and looked at Tom.
"Why couldn't she prossess your mind?"
"You can't prossess twice."


"What you've been possessed before?" Kenzie asked confused.

"Yeah, you don't wanna know how." Tom replied and kissed Kenzie cheek before going back to bed. "Night everyone!" He said. Kenzie shrugged and went to bed herself along with Edd. Matt stood there for a moment and sighed.

"Last time I stay up on Halloween." Matt mumbled and went to bed himself.

Sorry this chapter was short but next is Space face 1 and 2 so that will be a long chapter!

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