Chapter 1

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Grayson's POV

Same old same old my life has turned into a routine and excruciatingly boring like I still go to parties and all but that has also become boring the only thing in my life that is exciting is a girl named Belle, no she isn't a cheerleader or popular if anything she is the exact opposite, she was the reason I looked forward to school most days but I'm pretty sure that she hates me because the fact that I get along with the people that give her a hard time and I try my best to protect her because I hate seeing her hurt it's like watching my heart getting ripped out of my chest and stomped on. I look at her and smile and of course because she thinks that I am like my friends who bully her she rolls her eyes at me.

"Ok class sit down quickly please we need to get a move on these projects."

I sit next to Ethan and see the head cheerleader Lucy staring at me and winks.

"So we are going to be doing a group project an-"

"Can we pick our groups because if so I wanna work with Gray." Lucy, of course, interrupted the teacher. She looks at me and winks. I simply roll my eyes.

"No I will be choosing your groups for you and I, either way, was NOT going to let you work with Grayson, now be quiet so I can finish and assign you to your groups." Mrs.White says getting annoyed.

"ANYWAYS, you are going to be reading Romeo and Juliet and analyzing it and try to translate it into a modern language, I expect this to be done by the end of the month."

I immediately looked over at Belle just because I missed her face, I slowly started to let my mind wander and I started daydreaming and thinking us laying down in bed together with my arms wrapped around her and cuddling and I'll look into her eyes and we start leaning in and our lips slowly make cont-

"GRAYSON DOLAN" Mrs.white yells pulling me back into reality god that fucking party pooper.

"Yes Mrs.White," I say putting a fake smile on trying to make it look like I was listening to her

"Pay attention," she says making me huff and look right back at Belle going back into my daydreams

I was staring into Belle's beautiful eyes for the second we made eye contact. Then she giggles and looks away. Oh god her little giggle gave me life you have no idea but I didn't know what made her gig-

"GRAYSON BAILEY DOLAN ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME" damn this woman, turn my head to face her and she was right in front of my desk staring at me.

I look her dead in the eye and simply say "I know I'm beautiful but you don't need to be so close to see my beauty" I smirk and flip my long imaginary hair like Lucy does she clearly noticed that I was mocking her because she looked shocked like someone shoved a stick up her ass. I knew I was going to get in trouble but it was worth it because when I looked over at Belle I saw her laughing and I knew I was the reason she had that beautiful smile on her face.

"Okay Mr.Dolan since Miss. Rivers clearly has your attention more than me you two can work together and she can explain it to you because clearly she has your attention just by sitting over there at her desk!" She then stomps her way to her desk and assigns everyone else their groups.

I looked over at Belle to see if she had any reaction about being assigned to do this project with me and she only seemed shocked her eyes were wide. She had started to look in my direction but once we made eye contact she immediately looked away leaving me a little disappointed.

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