Chapter 2

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Belle's POV

Ugh, I really hate school I'm constantly bullied because I'm depressed and I've been to the hospital a few times due to my attempted suicide and failing and once Lucy the head cheerleader got word on that I knew I was never gonna see the end of it. If it was up to me I would finish school at home online but my parents don't want me to do that because they are worried because if I end up doing online school I'd be left alone too much and they are already worried enough. I have an okay life at home. My parents are kind of happy. I mean they fight but what couple doesn't fight its part of life. They do sometimes take their anger out on me but I've grown used to it the worst they do is call me names or maybe hit me if it gets way too out of control but we all learn our lesson after.

The only good thing good about school is that I get to see my bestest friend in the entire world Penelope as well as this guy named Grayson that I kinda guess you can say I like I just feel so safe with him because he stands up for me when his friends or Lucy or anyone for that matter tease me or make fun of me. Although we don't talk and I've never really thanked him for constantly standing up for me and I don't know why.

-at school-

I had Mrs.White's English class with Lucy, Grayson, and his twin brother Ethan. I go in and take my seat and started texting Penelope since she wasn't at school today she was "sick" and stayed home.

"Ok class sit down quickly please we need to get a move on these projects."

The twins walk in and sat down next to each other as Grayson sat down Lucy looks at him and winks

"So we are going to be doing a group project an-"

"Can we pick our groups because if so I wanna work with Gray." Lucy interrupted the teacher she looks at Grayson and winks he rolled his eyes at her and I giggle because that's what that stupid bitch gets.

"No I will be choosing your groups for you and I, either way, was NOT going to let you work with Grayson, now be quiet so I can finish and assign you to your groups." Mrs.White says I look at Grayson and he looks relieved that he won't have to be working with her.

"ANYWAYS, you are going to be reading Romeo and Juliet and analyzing it and trying to translate it into a modern language, I expect this to be done by the end of the month." I was actually kind of excited to do this project. I love that story, the romance, the heartbreak, the sad ending UGH I just love everything about it.

I start to think of the story and the project when I started to get the feeling that I was being watched but I ignored it and started thinking more about the story that we'd be reading.

"GRAYSON DOLAN" Mrs.white yells almost making me fall out of my chair. Damn that woman has lungs.

"Yes, Mrs.White," Grayson says trying his best to make it look like he was listening by putting his signature toothy smile and looked at her.

"Pay attention," she says that clearly annoyed him because he huffed loud enough for me to hear and I wasn't close to his seat.

He started staring at me and I knew it so I look at him to confirm my thought and it was absolutely correct, we made eye contact for a second when I realized Mrs.White walking up to his desk and staring at him like she was ready to pull him by his shirt and throw him out the window which caused me to giggle and look back down at my notebook I had previously pulled out and started doodling in it.

"GRAYSON BAILEY DOLAN ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME" I heard her yell which I knew was gonna happen but I still snapped my head towards Grayson and a VERY angry Mrs.White.

But what came out of Grayson's mouth was not something I was expecting, "I know I'm beautiful but you don't need to be so close to see my beauty" he smirked and flip my long imaginary hair like Lucy does she clearly noticed that he was mocking her because she looked shocked like someone shoved a stick up her ass. Which made me laugh with the rest of the class at the whole situation. My laugh clearly got Gray's attention because he looked at me and looked somewhat relieved.

"Okay Mr.Dolan since Miss. Rivers clearly has your attention more than me you two can work together and she can explain it to you because clearly she has your attention just by sitting over there at her desk!" She then stomps her way to her desk and assigns everyone else their groups.

OMFG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS I'M GOING TO SPEND A WHOLE MONTH WITH GRAYSON FLIPPING DOLAN. Yeah, I know that I see him all the time at school but as I said before we don't talk, but now we have to talk... unless he makes me do the whole project by myself which would suck but I don't think he would do that. Right?

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