Chapter 4

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Ethan's POV

Don't get me wrong I love my brother but when he makes me be in the same room as this bitch let alone actually talk with that airhead I'm worried that it might pop one of these days and when it does I want a front-row seat and a good ass camera so whenever I feel down I can watch it and laugh my ass off. Damn, I think I might be the bitch not her, oh well she deserves it I've seen her put Belle through hell and back for no reason Belle is literally the sweetest girl at this school.

I get out of my thoughts and I see Lucy already staring at me ew okay I have to do this for my brother. I walked up to her with the fakest smile EVER I could literally smell her cheap-ass perfume from China. I don't even have to be next to her.

"Hey, Lucy you wanna walk with me to the cafeteria."

"Aw, of course, Ethie I love you.... Umm I mean I'd love TO not you. I mean unless you love me then yeah I love you." Damn wtf is this bitch on I want some maybe that will get me through this.

"Let's just fucking go." I was trying my best not to throw up.

"Of course Ethie," she says trying to grab my hand but I immediately snatch it out of her hand and kept walking with her slowly trailing behind. Finally, we make it to the cafeteria. As soon as I walked in towards my seat with Lucy following me I spotted Gray and Belle walking in together.

"Damn that was quick nice job bro," I say accidentally out loud

"What was that?" Lucy says looking in their direction

"What is that little whore doing with my little Gray bear?!?!?!?!" she says in an annoying tone more annoying than usual.

"Bitch shut the fuck up the only whore here is you with your slutty ass dress that I can see your granny panties when you walk!" I was annoyed. "No one should just be called a whore just because she walks with Grayson and is probably getting more attention from him than you ever could in a million years." Damn, I had to get that off my chest. I leave Lucy standing there in the middle of the cafeteria dumbfounded and I walk over to Grayson and Belle.

"Hey, guys what are you doing?" I ask walking next to Belle so that she was in between me and Grayson because I had a feeling that Lucy was going to do something to Belle and I wanted to protect her not because I like her or anything it just seems that she is important to Gray which automatically makes her important to me, and just as I had suspected Lucy comes over to us with 2 guys Gray and I know because they are on the football team with us they were buff but Gray and I were bigger because we obviously would work out more since we were co-captains of the football team we were the biggest of all the guys on the team.

Gray and I noticed and made eye contact which led to us stepping forward in front of Belle just so we could make sure she wasn't going to get hurt. I noticed Gray had his jaw clenched and his hands balled up into a fist so tight that his knuckles were turning white, I looked a little farther back to see that Belle looked terrified we made eye contact and I gave her an assuring look which made her take a deep breath in.

" What's up, guys?" I say not wanting Gray and I to start the fight.

"Not much we just came to get the princess for her daily beating" Jake says doing air quotes when he said the word princess he rolled his eyes and laughs with Lucy and Nate

I was about to answer and say something when Gray said something that shocked us all.

"Over my dead body," Gray said with gritted teeth staring directly at all of them

"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Lucy finally spoke up

"You heard me, Over. My. Dead. Fucking. Body" 

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