Chapter 5

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Grayson's POV

"You heard me, Over. My. Dead. Fucking. Body." How dare she just think that she can do this, someone has to teach this bitch some logic because even though we are in school she sure isn't learning shit.

"Dude, just move out of the way so we can get this over with and no one will get hurt.... I mean except her." Lucy says laughing to the guys who laugh along with her which made me even madder until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look back to see Belle. She gives me a smile that's trying to hide the fact that she is hurt but relieved at the same time.

I finally relaxed but I was still angry. I look at Jake and Nate in the eye staring them down.

"You know what we really should go I need to go talk to Mrs.White uhhh...... like right now," Nate says and Jake nods agreeing with him and running away.

"Ugh don't think that you'll be getting out of today's beating just because of them, because deep down we all know how much of a loser you are." Lucy looked dead at Belle flipping her hair and walked away.

"Why would you guys do that now you're gonna be associated with me and I'll ruin your reputations and she'll give me an even worse beating later or worse tomorrow because then it'll be a double beating I don't think I can handle all that in one day." Belle started rambling and clearly having a panic attack I knew because I've seen her have them before and I've had them myself

"Belle take some deep breaths. E can you please go get her some water?"

She started taking some deep breaths as I had told her E came back with a water bottle. I gave it to her and she took a sip calming down a lot more.

"Thank you guys so much but you really didn't have to do that, I'm used to it." Belle looked at me and E for less than a second and looked down.

Was she scared of me? Did she think I was going to hurt her? To be honest that kind of hurt me because she probably thinks that I could possibly hurt her.

"Crap, E I forgot that we have practice." how did it completely slip my mind that I had practice.

"Well dude you can't miss it we have to be there as co-captains or else coach is going to kill you," E says knowing he's right I don't have a choice.

"Hey, do you mind waiting for me to finish football practice and we can all get a ride to my house to do the project. If that's ok with you, you can even come and watch our practice." I was worried that she wouldn't want to but I would feel more comfortable having an eye on her while I'm at practice.

"Yeah Gray that's fine I would love to watch you practice." Oh god, my heart she is blushing again I can't with her she is so cute.

--------After school--------

We all had the same last period so we started to head down to the locker rooms and I told Belle that I'd finish practice at around 4 so she had about 2 hours to do whatever she wanted. We made it to the locker rooms and Belle said she would meet up with us when we were done and started to walk away.

I was a little disappointed that she wasn't going to come and watch me practice but I brushed it off and when to change and get ready for practice.

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