Chapter 8

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Belle's POV

"Ok so never have I ever drank alcohol" he looks at me shocked at first that I didn't put my finger down so I just look at him and innocently smile.

"Never have I ever kissed a stranger" I look at Gray waiting for him to put a finger down which surprisingly he didn't.

"Never have I ever gone skinny dipping." Again I didn't put my finger down and look at him giggling

"Okay it's official you have not lived, and I'm going to take you skinny dipping one day I'll make sure of it." He said, smirking at me.

"That is so not true I've lived you just aren't asking the right questions," I say to him with a smirk.

"Ok fine tell me what have you done?" This boy really thinks I haven't done some crazy things.

" Fine I sneak out regularly, I've smoked but I didn't enjoy it, I've had quite a few friends with benefits and a few other things."

He looked at me shocked which caused me to giggle.

"Well, I guess you're more badass than I thought." He said with a smile which led to both of us having a laughing fit.

"Ok, what do you wanna do?" He looks at me and I shrug my shoulders.

"Let go for a drive for a bit and I'll bring you home after a little ride." I looked at him and nodded and started to head out saying a quick bye to Ethan as I walked past him.

We get in the car and he starts playing young girls by Bruno Mars he starts singing and messing around making me laugh so I decided to take a video of it for Snapchat and posted it on my story soon after I joined in and started singing as well he stopped singing and looks at me and smiles causing me to look at him and sing the song changing every time he said "girls" for boys making him giggle the song finally came to an end and we made eye contact again.

"Ummm we should get going so my mom doesn't get upset." My mom won't be mad she probably is still at work and doesn't know if I'm home or not. I just didn't want anything to happen even though I know he would never like a girl like me.

A girl who is suicidal, depressed, fat, ugly, and apparently an attention whore according to many people.

"Yeah, totally we don't want anyone to worry about you princess. Even though I can promise you that you're safe with me." He whispered the last part so I just pretended that I didn't hear it.

We finally started driving again after I gave him my address. We weren't too far from my house but it was about a 10-minute ride which didn't seem so bad. I mean who would be upset staying in a car with him he's absolutely amazing. Too bad that I'm like this he would never date me in a million years. Maybe Lucy is right about me and everything she said.

I was so caught up in my head that I didn't realize that we were already at my house which caused me to have a panic attack. Just the thought of walking in that house and having to hear the yelling and screaming scares me so much. When people raise their voices around me it triggers me and it can get pretty bad.

"Thank you Gray it means a lot to me that you're so kind to me even though you don't have to be I mean I would understand if you didn't wanna talk to me an-"

"Belle it's fine everything is fine as a matter of fact I love hanging out with you," he said giving me his signature smile.

"Well thank you I'll see you tomorrow," I said grabbing my bag and getting out of the car heading inside looking back at him one last time to see he was already looking at me and smiling which gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

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