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Well it turns out that I ended up falling asleep while Ulquiorra carried me back to the Palace. When I woke up again I felt something soft brushing against my large wings and to be honest, it felt rather nice.

I shifted to look to see what it was and my wing slid a little closer to me and the feeling super. "Sorry." Ulquiorra said his hand still raised from were he jerked it away.

"What were you doing?" I asked him in confusion.

He flinched a little. "Grooming your wings."

I smile and stretch my wing back over to him. He looked at me surprised. "What? It felt nice." I giggled a little before I made a spontaneous decision. I got up and crawled over the bed too where he was sitting and rested my head on his lap, wings still stretched out.

"What are you doing?" Ulquiorra asked softly.

I buried my face into his stomach. "I don't know. This just... feels right somehow. It is hard to explain but it is like fate that we were meant to be together." I finish. Before I remember what he said when Grimmjow took me. "What did you mean by mate?"

He froze, his fingers resting on my wings. "It means... It is like...When you want to spend your life with someone..." He continued tracing the large feathers of my wings before continuing to explain. "Hollows have mates and they can get very possessive of them. How are you feeling? Do you feel like trying to fly?" He noticeably tried to divert my attention away from the topic of mates.

I wasn't going to let him off that easily. "You said 'my mate' though. Am I your mate?" I blushed, clutching his shirt and burying my face deeper hoping he didn't see.

He froze again. "Yes..." He breathes, almost to softly for me to hear.

I sit up and smile at him. "It's okay. I don't hate you. I erm, I guess I still have a lot to learn about hollows." I pull him into a hug earning a small blush in return. "If you would teach me?"

He chuckled softly before wrapping his arms around me. "Yes, and the first thing you should learn... is how to use those massive wings of yours." He said as he pulled away and slid off of the bed. I pouted but followed. As soon as I put my feet on the floor to stand up, I feel backwards into the bed again. Ulquiorra held his hand out to me and I grabbed it and held onto him as he pulled me up and steadied me.

I slowly try to wiggle my wings and move them up and down, but all they did was twitch slightly, refusing to budge. I tried again and got the same results. "This is so hard!" I whined.

"It's not like anyone got a hang of it on their first try. It takes a lot of practice." Ulquiorra led me outside. Grimmjow was standing just outside of the palace and he walked over to us.

"Sorry for dropping you Ichigo." Grimmjow said in an almost ashamed tone.

"It's okay Grimm Kitty." I smile back.

Ulquiorra cleared his throat. "Since you are here Grimmjow, you can help me reach him how to use his wings."

"How am I supposed to do that? Does it look like I have wings to you?" Grimmjow snipped, his nose scrunching in distaste.

"You do owe him for dropping him." Ulquiorra said in a dangerous manner.

I sweatdropped. "He does not like to be talked about as if he wasn't here you know."

"Grimmjow just grab one wing and I will grab the other and we will hold them open. Ichigo, you need to feel the muscles in the wings and try to make them move so that way you can flex your wings in and out." Ulquiorra ordered and Grimmjow grumbled before he did what Ulquiorra told him to.

(After Ichigo was able to do all of that after about seven hours)

"Now it is time for you to learn how to fly." Grimmjow smirked and rubbed his hands together eagerly.

"Indeed." Ulquiorra said in his typical monotone voice. "Follow me." He led me to a roof that was very tall.

"And what am I supposed to do?" I asked nervously.

"Open your wings and feel the wind." Ulquiorra said.

I opened my wings to the fullest extent and felt the wind rifle through my feathers for almost five minutes before a hand roughly pushed on my back and I fell off of the building. My wings slowed my decent but I was still falling fast. 'Flap your wings King!' Hichigo urged. I listened to his voice and struggled to flap them and soon I was flying and it was getting easier by the moment.

"How do I land?" I start to panic a little and Ulquiorra came up beside me, his large bat like wings flapping in sync with mine.

"Don't worry about it. It will come naturally to you. It is instinct." He said. I sighed wondering how I would do this before I flew into a sand dune. I sat up, spitting the sand from my mouth as Grimmjow and Nelliel started laughing.

"Ow..." I whined. "That hurt." I pouted as Ulquiorra came over to me and I turned away from him, crossing my arms childishly.

"What?" He smiled softly.

"You didn't tell me about the sand dune ahead." I pouted even further.

"Batman is sorry he hurt his mates feelings." Grimmjow smirked as he motioned to Ulquiorra.

We both blush and I get up and smack him on the back of the head, making him face plant in the sand. "I don't think he likes being teased."

"Oh Ichigo! I knew you could do it!" Nelliel cheered before suffocating me in her breasts again.

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