twenty five compliments

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"Hi, H."

"Hey, Lou!"

"I see you're happy today!"

"Yeah, Gem called me yesterday night! It was fun and we talked a lot."

"Good, sweets. What did you talk about then, if I may know?"

"We talked about a lot of things. Mainly you, though."

"Really? What about me?"

"I told her you're a menace."

"You did not!"

"I know. I told her I made a new friend."

"Oh right, about that..."

"What, do you not want to be my friend anymore? Oh... were we not friends at all? Sorry, I just assumed we were -"

"Hey, baby boy. It's alright. I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go on a date... Which usually means more than just friends, so. But if you wanna go as friends, we can do it too, no pressure."

"I... erm, oh. I've never - actually, I mean. Like. I wish - I've honestly - Nobody's ever asked - Yes! Yes! Yes! I mean, like. Yeah, sure."

"You're adorable, Styles."


"You are, really. So it's settled then? What about Saturday afternoon? At 2pm maybe?"


"Great, babe!"




"Thank you."

"For what, Lou?"

"For letting me take you out."

"No. I mean - no, erm, thank you. For asking me and being sweet to me all the time."

"Sure, love."

finally, am i right ladies ? 

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