thirty five compliments

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"Hi baby boy."


"Why are you sad?"

"I-I got a B- and mom and dad told me... that I'm w-worth n-nothing if I can't even do good in school..."

"Harry, baby. Please don't mind my language."


"But fuck them! They don't matter baby, a B- is good! Love, I mostly get C's! And I'm here with the most beautiful boy and I'm happy and I'm worthy, ain't I?"


"Babe. Love, darling. pumpkin, sweetheart, curly. You're amazing, alright? You're lovely and beautiful and very smart. You're worth everything, lovely. You're so cute and kind. And you're my boyfriend. Do you really think I wouldn't choose the best boy in the world to date me? That's you, my love."

"B-But it's d-different -"

"It's not if you don't want it to be. Do you think I'm dumb? ... See, you don't. And I get C's! You get A's and B's sometimes! You're not dumb. Do you think I'm disgusting? ... See? You're fucking cute and you only snore lightly and I fucking fart all the time and snore louder than the police sirens!"

"B-But it's y-you. And i-it doesn't m-matter because it's y-you. B-But I'm... ugly and -"

"Stop... Harry Edward Styles. Stop. Fuck, stop, please. My darling, you're so amazing. I lo - I like you so fucking much, baby boy. You're my princess and you're not ugly. Haven't you looked at the book I gave you everynight before you sleep? You should, lovely. You'd smile and sleep happily just knowing how pretty you are!"


"Look, I really care about you and usually people don't say this so soon and I'm sorry but. I've been trying to contain it, I swear but I've got no control, baby. I... I love you, Harry Styles. And I know you don't see it and I also know it's going to take you a while to believe it but I'm so fucking in love with you and how endearing and interesting you are. Don't... Don't cry, baby, please."

"I - I."

"You don't need to say it back, alright? I just love you. I wanna scream it to the world but I can't, you know why? .... Because I don't wanna hurt your ears, love. You're my world and if I were to scream it to the world, I'd scream it to you. It's probably too soon to say all this and I get it if you're overhelmed but I do, I so fucking do, my darling."


"Just c'mere, yeah? Let's skip school and just lay here. Together and happy, alright, my love?"

"A-Alright, Lou."


btw, was this chapter realistic ? 

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