thirty seven compliments

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"Can you belive it's already been five months? It's only a few more 'til I end school!"

"Yeah... it's, erm, been a long time, huh?"

"I'm so proud of you baby boy. You're seeing a therapist and you speak a lot more now and you talk with Gemma about everything, especially my ass. Don't make that face, honey! I heard you talking about how 'Louis's ass is the best thing ever, Gemma!' yesterday, don't try to fool me."

"Well, it is true!"

"That's right, darling. You got the best boyfriend with the best ass, should be proud, you're lucky!"

"I am." 

"Y'know what else you are? Amazing and wonderful and beautiful. You're Harry, the definition of perfection without being perfect."

"Thank you, Lou."

"See baby? You even say thank you now! You're so fucking cute, darling, please kiss me and take away my heart."

"But I thought I already had it... Lou? I'm hurt."

"Shut up and kiss me, you fool!"







"I love you so much, pumpkin. You do have my heart, no kidding in that. I love how you still keep the book I gave you and you still sleep with that note I used to ask you to be my boyfriend inside of your pillow. You're so fucking cute and although you're also lucky 'cos you got my booty, I'm the luckiest boy in the world."


"I can't believe I fucking found love when I was still eighteen. I'm nineteen and you're soon-to-be seventeen and I'm so happy with you, love. I really do love you."

"Wanna know something, Lou?"

"What is it, my darling?"

"I'm, erm, finally starting to, erm, belive you..."

and although harry's still not okay with himself, he's better. he's definitely better and that's a good start because louis doesn't mind waiting ten years for his baby to love himself (even though it breaks his heart) because louis can love harry for him and for himself all together.

it's over, can you believe it ? i'm so fucking happy with this end, man. i hope you like it too because i really think it's realistic that harry, after five months, still isn't okay and still doesn't say i love you and is only starting to now belive louis when he says it.

what did you guys think of this story ? 

i'm, like, getting emotional because i'm both harry and louis in this. and i feel so fucking proud of myself for finishing this. i put, like, everything into this story because i know what it's like being on both sides -- louis's and harry's. i really hope you liked it as much as i did writing it ! 

and, i also hope you got that louis isn't cocky ? like, he didn't say thank you either, had you noticed it before ? he just took the compliment and made a joke comeback to it; he wasn't as insecure as harry but wasn't cocky either, alright ?

anyway, this is starting to get long... THANK /YOU/ for reading, commenting and voting ! it means a lot to me that you guys took the time to read this and give me feedback and just idk, guys. i love you all.

if you're like harry, please. please message me or anyone else. please know that you're amazing. there's not such thing as perfection in this world (even though 1d looks like perfection) so, pretty please, don't try to be perfect as you'll never be.

now, sorry for this and for being cheesy but i love you a lot and thank you so much ! smile :D

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