thirty six compliments

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"Hi baby boy!"

"Hi, prince."


"W-Why are you s-smiling like that?"

"You called me prince! Oh my god, Harry! You're so freaking cute you don't even know it! Jesus, now we're prince and princess and we can start a family and live in a castle!"


"Just kidding, I'm happy here with you, don't need no castles!"


"I still love you, baby. You know I haven't stopped loving you since I said it yesterday, right?"


"Anyway, how are you, my love?"


"You said that too quickly, pumpkin. You sure you're alright?"


"Tell me?"

"Can I tell you about them...?"

"Them? Oh! The people that say untrue things to you? Sure, baby boy."







"... Lou... you won't hate me after this, right?"

"Course not, baby! I'll still love you!"





"Well, erm, firstly... they're n-not, erm, people?"

"...H-Harry? What are you talking about...?"

"I-I'm sorry, I'm a fuck up. I know y-you don't love me and t-that you never will and no one will ever e-either and I-I'm a freak, I'm s-so sorry L-Louis. I g-get it if you don't want to be m-my boyfriend a-after but I-I still like you a l-lot and I d-don't want y-you to h-hate m -"

"Harry! Stop! Deep breathes, love. You're fine. I won't hate you. I'll still love you. I love you. You can go on whenever you want, babe."


"I'm here for you, lovely. Alright?"

"T-They... They're not people, Lou. T-They're v-voices...."



"Harry, what? Voices? You hear voices that tell you your nose is huge and shit like that? Harry, that's so fucking horrible baby. I don't know what tricks your brain is pulling on you but it's not true. Any of that. It's not true! I swear it, love!"


"Do... when did it start? The voices... I mean."

"A few, erm, years ago? T-They tell me things... And call me, erm, names..."

"Baby? Have you talked to Gemma about this? Maybe see a therapist?"

"No! No, Louis! No please! I-I'm not... crazy."

"Baby, that's not what I meant, my love! I know you aren't. I sometimes hear my brain talking to me, it's normal. That. Like, you're thinking to yourself and shit. But never have I heard voices that tell me untrue shit that hurts me, darling!"


"I still love you, baby. But you should talk with Gemma. About seeing a therapist."


"Baby boy? I swear, I will literally hold your hand 'til the end. No kidding, my darling. I promise I won't leave and I promise it'll get better and I love you and Gemma should know. And I also promise as soon as we're done with school, you're with me. We're getting a flat or something. And we're gonna talk about you and only you and how you feel and those fucking voices everynight 'til you feel comfortable saying and feeling how pretty and amazing you are."




"Okay, what, my baby boy?"

"I-I'll talk with G-Gemma.... About, erm, seeing a t-therapist."

"I love you, Harry. I love you so fucking much."






"That kiss was amazing, just like you, boyfriend."

full of flaws » larry [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now