thirty one compliments

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"Hi pumpkin!"

"Hey Lou."

"I was wondering... I call you all those pet names and I don't even know if you like them or not..."

"I do..."

"Which are the ones you like the most? Or, like, any that I don't call you yet?"

"I like all of them... Erm, love and baby are my favourites, t-though, I think? And I like prince... And princess? Too, I mean, erm, that's weird -"

"It's not! I've - Actually, I wanted to, erm, call you that for so long but I thought you wouldn't like it... So."



"Anyway. I bring you amazing news, my darling!"


"Yep! You, prince Harry Styles are going out with me next Friday afternoon, yeah? That alright with you?"

"Okay, it's not like I have any other friend to hang out with."



"It's just that. Nevermind, actually. Anyway, princess Harry you don't need to dress up too nicely, but then again, you could go naked and you'd still look amazing, so I mean. What even am I saying? Ugh, forget this I'm rambling."


"How dare you giggle at me, Styles! You don't even laugh, you giggle! Oh my god! C'mere, let me tickle you! Arggggh! Run before I catch you!"

okay i can just imagine louis running after harry and they fall and louis caresses his cheek and plays with his hair and tells him he's beautiful and then leans in but before they kiss he gets up and harry does too and louis slaps him bum playfully and says, "next time, my love." MAKE ME STOP PLS

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