twenty seven compliments

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"So. Erm, this is it. We're here. It's no big deal - I'm sorry, I'm not very good with dates, love."

"It's... perfect. I love it, I don't care. I'm happy. Thank you for this."

"It's - no. Really, erm, no big deal. Fuck - sorry. I - I keep sttutering. I'm nervous as hell -"


"Because I'm taking you on a date and it's. It's your first and I want it. I really want it - erm, to be perfect. Alright, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Lou! I love it already!"



"And you're not kidding me?"


"So. Erm, alright. I need to relax -"




"Okay. I'm better, alright. Back to my cocky sexy self! Anyway, sit down, yeah? I have something to show you."



"W-What's this?"

"It's a book. Of pictures. Erm, open it, please? Don't laugh at me."




"I took these when you weren't looking. It's just, Harry. You're so fucking amazing and beautiful and you don't see it. I don't understand it, really. And I took these of you when you weren't looking so I could show you how beautiful you are. Without even trying."

"L-Lou. I can't - I can't breathe - This. I just. You - Oh my, God please. I - thank you, you're. You're so sweet to me. Oh my god, L-Lou. C-Can I - Please. Just. H-hug me, please?"

"Baby, don't cry. I swear I made this for you to smile not cry..."


"I. I took that when you were reading that book of yours you love so much - Hungry Games? You were reading it while smiling and I just couldn't help myself."


"That was when you had something on your mouth while we were eating and I didn't tell you right away because I wanted a picture of how adorable you looked."


"That was when you fell asleep on maths. You looked so peaceful, darling. I sound like a creepy, oh fuck. But it's true. You're beautiful, love."


"That one was when we were at the park? It's my favourite. I asked a stranger to record your reaction to when I sang to you. And then later I chose my favourite out of all the pictures found in the video. That one was my favourite. You just looked so cute. I mean. You were crying and smiling so big. I - I wanted to kiss you so bad, Harry."

".... C-Can w-we?"

"Can. Erm, can we what?"

"C-Can you kiss me...? I know. My lips are gross but -"





"You're. You're fucking perfect, sweetheart."

"I. Louis. You. I. Oh - fuck. I just - You."

"Why are you crying, baby boy?"

"I-I'm s-so happy. Y-You. L-Lou."

"You are?"

"P-Please. D-Do it a-again...?"

"Fuck. Of course, baby!"




"And princess?"

".... Yeah?"

"If you don't see how cute you are after looking at those pictures... please tell me so I can take you out to buy glasses."

i loved this chapter :3 i'm so emotional and happy bc harry's happy aw

full of flaws » larry [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now