Please Don't

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You manage to make it all the way through to dinner. You don't care what you're having for dinner after the events of today you just hope it's something good. You trudge into the dining hall, the day's activities weighing on you more than usual. Then you see them!

What the fuck.

please tell me that he didn't! You think to yourself. Chase and Beverly, Sitting there talking. You begin to march over to their table emotions fighting each other as your stomach churns, you don't know whether to be fearful or angry. A hand wraps around your arm, you turn. It's Wednesday Don't. Her eyes plead a smile futters to your face. Ok.

You and the rest of the group take their seats you stare into your food, barely touching it. already thinking of ways to discard Chases certain allegations against Wednesday and you. A loud screeching laugh erupts from Beverly's table where Chase sits looking smug. Your fists clench as your mind runs through all the scenarios that involve Chase and Beverly colluding. "Y/N you have to eat something." A whisper in your ear, It was Wednesday.

"I can't" you manage to say through gritted teeth.

"If you look normal they have less ammunition to use against us" Your fists seem to lessen at that thought. You finally allow yourself to breathe a little.

"You're right." You begin to eat food on your plate despite your stomach's protests.

"Thank you," Wednesday whispers with gentle eyes. "Let's get out of here?" She asks, her plate also empty. You stand, wanting nothing more than to hold her hand.

"Hey, weirdo!" Chase says making his way to your table, a friendly but fake-looking smile pulling at his face. You turn around and stand up drawing strength from whatever god watched over torturous life, being ready to fight and put on a show.


"Ouch, is that any way to talk to someone who knows your darkest secret?" He says gaining the attention of the hall. You shoot him a warning glare. "Don't" you warn.

"Or what?" he whispers so only you can hear him, you go to open your mouth.

"So, are you going to tell everyone, or should I?" he asks smiling cruelly.

"I don't know what you're talking about" the warning glare now set on your face. A small forms group of your friends and people who know your secret gather. People circle around you to get a better look at what is happening, Beverly at the front. Your stomach knot tightens a little further.

"Please don't" you whisper, gripping his arm, he struggles to pull out of your grip but he finally pulls away.

"Of course, you know what I'm talking about, we talked about it just this morning"

"Chase...I'm warning you"

"Your little secret..."

"You're scared of the dark, that's why you ask Wednesday goes with you everywhere and sleep with Mr fluffy" He pouts and smirks, the reaction bringing him satisfaction. A wave of relief hits you like a tank and you relax, followed by a wave of burning hot wave of rage. It pours into your soul, filling your bones and stelling like molten metal. Silence drowned out everyone in the room. Your cackle breaks the silence, stopping as soon as it started. Ending with your fist planted in his stomach, he was lucky you didn't break his ribs, was the only thought that echoed in your mind.

"And? Is that all?" you grin as he falls to the floor, Catching on to his ridiculous show. You pout back then both glare at each other, ready to fight as he picks himself off the floor. He begins to laugh you follow suit, pulling him off the floor. and the tension in the room falls away. Chase walks up to you and wraps his arm around you and you both walk back to the table. "We need to talk after the dust has settled," Chase mutters in your ear.

"Yeah, no shit," you mutter back through clenched teeth.

You both get back to the table as the crowd scatters unfiled by the ending of your and Chase's argument. Wednesday glances at you concerned, you wave your hand dismissing her concerns, and she looks relieved. You sit down next to her, "Are you good?" she mutters.

"Yeah I'm fine, our cover is good for now, we still need to talk to Chase." She sighs in relief and you both give each other a weary smile.

The dining hall slowly empties as time goes on. "Met us at our cabin in fifteen minutes" you command Chase quietly, and he nods. You and Wednesday leave and walk back to the cabin.

You look at Wednesday and smile. "What are you looking at?" She says smugly.

"One of the most beautiful, clever and sadistic women I've ever met." Her cheeks flush pink and she looks down. "You have to be cute don't you," she nudges you playfully and your heart seems to float into your throat. You walk up the steps and lean on the porch railing, "I wish I could kiss you right now." You confess and she leans on the wall of the cabin opposite you. "What's stopping you?" she smirks. "People" You sigh, and she giggles.

"What about them?"

"Well one, they are nosey and invasive, and two they don't like people like us." Sadness laces your words.

"We could always kill them."

"That sounds really nice right about now" you both chuckle.

"Wow, you guys are fucked up." you turn to face Chase, a scowl now emerging on your face, you begin to walk down the steps, but Wednesday beats you to it, she runs at Chase and slaps him in the face, he falls the to ground. "Ahh! what the fuck Wednesday!" He half yells, cradling his cheek. Wednesday towers over him "Trust me Chase you deserve way more!" She spits. You rest your hand on her shoulder, half preparing for it to be broken. "Wednesday, we need him to keep the secret," You whisper, She steps back still fuming with rage. Chase pulls himself to the ground.

"Well, she's right I did deserve that," Chase says, nodding.

"No shit." She sneers. turn your head, Not helping You shot a pleading look on Wednesday, she side-eyes you, her anger searing.

"The punch too... I better not piss blood now," He says massaging his cheek.

"You're lucky I had enough self-control to not break your ribs," You hiss. "We need to talk somewhere more private." Chase shifts and looks around.

"Why?" he asks his voice brimming with suspicion.

"Because this is too public and we can't have anyone else knowing." Your comment, Chase looks around again sheepishly.

"For fuck sake, we're not going to kill you," Wednesday says impatiently.

"You promise?" You look at Wednesday she begrudgingly nods.

"We give you our word."

"Ok." He sighs.

He follows you into the woods. 


Hello, my lovelies!

Hope your all staying safe and clean in quarantine. And thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and feel free to comment and ask any questions. 

See you next update! 

Stay cool and party on my guys! :)))))

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