Spider-Man goes Sledding on his Butt

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So that was cool. 

You now had bragging rights to having had taken a selfie with the one and only Spider-Man. Not exactly what you expected. Also, you forgot to ask him why he was also following you somehow, and now it was too late now because you were home. But you couldn't wait to tell Ned and Peter and even show them that picture. Because it's not every day a superhero gets on a subway train ceiling and takes a selfie with you. 

But now you were curious as to why he had been stalking you. Technically it was the other way around, but it apparently was backward for you, but for him what you said had the roles switched, because somehow you were both following each other at the same time without knowing it. I bet that made sense. Possibly, but no. Did he know you in real life?

You doubted it. Spider-Man may hang out mainly in Queens, but that didn't mean he knew you. He could live in New York, or Brookelynn for one thing. And for another, there were a dozen people here, your chances of knowing the guy behind the mask was from little to none. 

You kinda wished you had asked him to do a backflip. That would have been cool.

But now, with the excitement high coming to a low, your dreading knot of a feeling came back like a parasite. You were sitting on your bed, looking out your apartment window, feeling hopeless. It wasn't only because Peter straight up rejected you without him knowing it, but it was also this strange feeling in your mind. You didn't want to do anything, go anywhere, eat anything, or watch a movie even! Maybe it was because you didn't have coffee.

------ One Week Later ------

You looked down below at the passing cars, when suddenly your vision from before came back to you, only slightly clearer. The purple and blue lights were almost identical to the glowing stone in your apartment 8 years ago. They carried a threatening aura about them you couldn't explain. The bird with glowing green eyes and tattered wings was actually a man. His wings looked metallic, sharp, and overall intimidating. You couldn't see his face, because it was covered in a mask. The plane was about to crash, flickering all over like a bad light. Its outer shell seemed like a ball of energy, and it was headed straight for New York...

The visions were gone and you realized you had smooshed your face against your window. You pulled back, rubbing your temples. With a sigh, you stood up and left the room for dinner. You had nothing better to do. Liz was having a party tonight and "Forgot" To invite you. She was probably just like everyone else, thought of you as the Soothsayer. But it wouldn't be right to jump to conclusions. 

After dinner, and a nice shower to ease your thoughts, you were curling up in bed. You had just switched off the light when you heard a disruption in the quiet night. You turned the light back on and looked out the window. It sounded like someone had dropped kicked a trash can. You pulled back the curtain just in time to see a colorful blast nearby.

It was very close to the looks of it. In a green wooded park that is. The blast was just like the one you'd seen in your visions. You looked down at the road and saw a trash can had in fact been thrown over. A black cat curling its wispy tail as it rummaged through the garbage. If it hadn't been for the stray, you probably wouldn't have seen the explosion. 

You hopped out of bed for a better view. The purplish bluish cloud was sinking back into the trees. You put on some slippers and a jacket and snuck out of the room. Were you going outside to try and find out what it was? Yes. Should you though? No. 

You peered into your parent's room and found them both asleep. Carefully, you tiptoed back down the hall and to the apartment door, making sure to grab the key. You felt drawn to whatever it was. And maybe it would give you answers to your powers. You had to assume that's how you'd gotten them after all. Back in the Alien Invasion. 

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