You meet the Guardians

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Time passed in the ship, and you were panicking. Peter spent most of his time with you, trying to get you to calm down. That is until Tony actually had a job for him, as they approached a planet. Never in your life did you expect to be on an alien planet, let alone in space. Well, you've dreamed of it as a kid but never expected it to come true. Tony and Peter attempted to land the ship, but it was doomed to crash. Doctor Strange protected you as the ship touched the ground, creating explosions and resulting in you almost flying out the front window. 

Everything settled, and you were sure no one knew what to do. Doctor Strange and Tony began arguing again, while you just stared blankly out the front window. You recognized the scenery. This was the place you would die. You'd thought about it so much at this point, you had become numb. In fact, you anticipated it, even looking forward to it. What would death feel like? But that was no way to approach life. This had to be your chance to change the future. You were counting on it. 

"Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something and I eat one of you, I'm sorry,"  Peter said, lowering himself from the ceiling suspended by his web. 

"I do not want another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip, do you understand?" Tony said, waving a finger up at the boy. 

"I'm trying to say that, something's coming." He explained. The heard a door bust open, and suddenly everyone was on edge. Something rolled between the four of you, and you soon realized it was a bomb. But you didn't react quick enough, at had exploded instantly sending all four of you flying. Three figures came running through the dust. 

"THANOS!" someone with a deep voice called out, throwing a knife at Strange who deflected it with his magic shield. You recognized the figure to be one you'd seen in your vision. The grey man. "AARG!"

Strange threw his cape at the man, which wrapped around his face and pulled him to the ground. The next guy had a mask on and started shooting at Iron Man, who of course shot back. They both started flying around each other, attacking.  The masked figure launched himself and IronMan, and they rolled around in the air for a second. Tony managed to throw him off, and the guy fell to the floor. 

"Hahaha!" the masked man chuckled, clicking a button in his hand. Tony's chest had some weird glowing blue object, which lit up and magnetically pulled him to the wall of the ship. 

"PETER!" You shrieked as an alien woman started creeping towards you.

"Hey!" Peter fell over next to you.

"CLumsy much?" you mumbled.

"Hey I'm trying to protect you," he whispered. The woman crept further towards the both of you on the floor, and you both started backing up quickly. "Woah Woah Woah please don't put your eggs in me!" He shot a web at her, tying her arms to her sides. You and Peter managed to get up, when the masked man flew from above, kicking you over with his boot. He punched Peter over, landing on top of him to keep him pinned. 

"Stay down!" the masked man demanded. Peter wriggled free and jumped to the ceiling, as the man started throwing grenades of sorts. Peter backed up, didn't them up in the rafters.  The guy threw an electric looking string, which magically had spun around Peter, to which he got pulled back to the floor. 

"Die blanket of death!" the grey man hollered. Tony was working on getting himself away from the wall. Once successful, he flew over to the grey tattooed man, pinning him with his foot. The masked guy picked up Peter, pulling him in by the neck and pointing a gun at his head. 

"Everyone stay where you are!" the guy ordered. "Chill the F out." his mask disappeared, and he moved the end of his gun and pointed it at Tony. "I'm gonna ask you this one time, where is Gamora?"

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