Chapter 1

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Mira- "I really hope you guys enjoy this story! I know, I know this is perfect because it is NaLu!!!" *Gets a hand put over mouth*

Author-San- "Mira please let me talk!" *Glares at Mira*

Mira- *Transforms into her Satan Soul* "I will be quiet when I want!!!" *Says meanly*

Author-San- "Fine, Fine! But, enjoy the-"

Mira- "STORY!"

[Lucy's Pov]

I'm Lucy Heartfilia. I'm 14 years old. 7 Years ago my mother died. My dad, Jude Heartfilia decided to date again. Supposedly, he found the "right" one. Her name is May Dragneel. She has a 14 year old son named Natsu Dragneel. I despise my father for trying to get my mom out of his head. You know what, I never liked my father. After, my mother's death he started to be rude, greedy, and mean. Sometimes he would slap me for no reason. I gave him a present on MY birthday. And he rejected it. I even hand made it! I HATE my father for doing such a horrible thing.

[Natsu's Pov]

I'm Natsu Dragneel. I'm 14 years old. 7 Years ago my dad died. My mom, May Dragneel, decided to date again. Supposedly, she found the right one! His name is Jude Heartfilia. I love my mom so much. I hope nothing goes wrong with her and Jude. Even though, I am deeply sad that my dad died, I'm happy for my mom. If she says Jude is the right one then I believe her. I will always and forever love my mom.

Mavis (Narrator)- "These two kids didn't know that they had something in common. And something terribly different from each other. Lucy on one hand hated her father. Natsu on the other hand loved his mother dearly. They didn't even think, even once about how it was gonna change their life, if their parent married again."

[Jude's Pov]

"MRS. RYAN!!!" I yelled while a small plump woman came into my office. "Yes, master?" She replied humbly bowing. "Go fetch my disgrace of a daughter." I coldly told her. She nodded and wobbled out of the room. I closed my eyes for a moment and waited for the small knock on the door. I suddenly heard it a few minutes later. "COME IN!!!" I yell. Then a thin blonde haired figure comes in. She bows and stands at the doors. "Sit down! Now!" I demanded immediately. She obeyed my orders right away.

"Lucy..." I said while she took a seat in front of me. She looked up at me and had put on a cold hard stare. "What do you want?" She asked coldly pushing her hair out of her face. "I'm going over to May's house. Do you want to come or not?" I asked calmly. "Hell no! Why would I want to see someone that will try to he my mom! She will never replace her!" Lucy yelled at me standing up. I stood up and stared at her with fire in my eyes. "Lucy Celst Heartfilia! How dare you speak towards her that way! You don't even know what she looks like or what she is like!" I boomed.

"I don't care! She will never give me the confronting love mom did!" She yelled back at me. I smacked her face hard so she could feel the sting of the smack. "Smacking me won't do anything. It will just make it grow more than it already is!" She calmly said starting to smile. I saw that hot tears had come down her face. She turned around and raced out of my office like there was no tomorrow. I then heard the doors slam behind her. A few moments later I walked out of my office and went to the waiting limo outside. I slicked back my hair and got in. It drove off with a mutter of the engine mumbling.

[Lucy's Pov]

I ran out of his office with a slam of the doors shutting. I raced towards my room as fast as I could. I burst through my doors that lead to my room and flung myself on my bed sobbing. My cat Happy was laying on the edge of the bed when I got on my bed. He crawled over to me and started purring. I smiled while I petted him gently. I finally cried myself to sleep. Happy kept laying beside me the whole time.

[May's Pov]

"Natsu!" I called from the kitchen. He came running in with a big smile on his face. "Yes mom?" He asked nicely. "I want you to stay in your room until Jude leaves you understand? But, he asks for you then you come out." I asked concerned. He nodded and raced off. I suddenly, heard a knock at the door so I raced over to it and opened it. "Hi honey!" I heard Jude say smiling big. I hugged him tightly and said "Hello" to him. We talked all afternoon. Until, dinner I cooked. And Jude helped me a little bit. We had dinner and then we talked some more. Then he went home at 12:00 at night.

I checked on Natsu and he was already sleeping. He a journal in his hand and a pen in the other. I looked inside and found some really good drawings of different things. I took them and set them on his desk. I covered him up and kissed his forehead. "Good night Natsu!" I said softly shutting his door, after I shut off his lights.

[Jude's Pov]

When, I got home I went straight to Lucy's room. I walked in and saw her peacefully sleeping. I saw that she had blank pieces of paper and colored penicls, pencils, sharpies, and a bunch of papers that had drawings on them. I flipped through them and they were really good. I put everything up and covered her up. Her cat Happy slept next to her like always. I walked out while shutting the lights off while I was at it.

Mavis- "Jude finally decided to do something nice for his daughter. Its sad that he didn't tell her goodnight or kiss her forehead. But, Natsu and Lucy now have another thing in common. They love to draw and they are pretty good at it. Lets see were the story takes us next!"

[Lucy's Pov]

I finally woke up from a nice rest. Then I realized that my stuff was gone and I was under the covers. I wondered who picked it up for me and covered me. Eh, whatever it doesn't matter. I'm grateful that I didn't have to put it away. I jumped off my bed and slipped into my blue cat slippers. I combed my hair real quick and put it into a pony tail. I pushed open my doors and went to the dining room. I found bacon, eggs, and some toast at the table with some sliverware. There was a napkin right next to my plate. I shoveled it all door and washed it down with some orange juice.

I then left the dining room and went to the main doors of my house. I saw a little note on the table that had labeled Lucy on it. I opened and read what it said.

Dear Lucy,
I'm sorry for yesterday. I hope you have a better day today. I'm gonna stay at my work a little later than usual because of work stuff. Please the get the mail. Have fun!
Your dad, Jude

Pfffft... Like he was sorry. He never is. Ugh, I highly dislike my father. At least, I'm on summer vacation. So, I can do whatever I like while my stupid dad is at work.

[Natsu's Pov]

I finally got out of bed and got me some cereal. Once, I finished I went to fetch the newspaper. When, I saw a note on the door. I untaped it from the door and read it. I unraveled it and read it.

Dear Natsu,
Have a wonderful day my sweet child. Don't get into trouble. Please fetch the mail and the newspaper while your at it! I love you so much!
Your mom, May

I love you to mom. I stuffed the note in my basketball shorts pocket. I had no shirt on and it was kinda chilly out. Before I went outside I got the mail key and some flipflops on. I slipped outside and walked towards the mail room. Some girls were passing by and kinda blushed. Had no idea why. Whatever, I just shrugged it off. I got the mail and jogged back to the house and grabbed the newspaper.

At least its summer vacation. So, I can play my music loud and draw all I want. Get to run around the house do whatever I want except ruin the house.

Mavis- "They have another thing in common! They both have summer vacation! How fun! Well, thats it for today! I hope you enjoyed the chappie!"

Mira- "I hope it was well for you guys! Gomenasai if you didn't like it!"

Author-San- "Come back soon and see the update!"

I'm in love with my step sister?! [NaLu Fanfic] [Completed]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя