Chapter 2

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Mira- "I'm glad that you guys enjoyed the first chapter! Now lets move into the second chapter!" :D

Author-San- "Please, go on and read the chapter!" :)

[No one's Pov]

So, Natsu and his mother May went to the Heartfilia mansion. They walked up the long big staircase that lead to the front doors. May knocked on the huge doors. A few minutes later a blonde haired girl opened the doors. "How may I help you?" She asked with a little bit of an attitude. "Is Jude here?" May asked sweetly. "No. But, he will be here soon. So, I guess you can wait inside if you'd like." The blonde haired girl said showing them inside. "Whats your Names?" Asked the girl curiously. "I'm May and this is Natsu!" May exclaimed patting Natsu's head. "Nice to meet you! I'm Lucy!" Lucy said a little bit nicer and she put on a smile.

"Are you a servant here or what?" Asked Natsu. "I'm not a Servant! I'm Jude's daughter!" Lucy said offensively. Natsu's mouth dropped open when he heard her say the last words. "Whats wrong with you?" Lucy asked tilting her head a little and getting closer to Natsu. Natsu started to blush madly when Lucy got closer. "I forgot to tell you about Jude's daughter!" May laughed a little. Natsu kept on blushing and then glancing at Lucy every once and a while. Suddenly, the huge doors pushed forward and relieved a man. "May your here!" Yelled Jude across the room. May ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

Lucy just turned her back to them and crossed her arms. "Lucy why don't you show Natsu your room." Jude exclaimed happily. "Sure, fine!" Lucy said annoyed. She beckoned Natsu to follow her.

[Lucy's Pov]

I lead that weird kid to my room. For some reason he had blushy cheeks. We walked up the grand staircase and walked down the looonngg hallway. We finally arrived at my room. I kicked my door open and showed him in. "Wow!" He breathed taking it in all at once. I nodded and jumped on my bed making some papers float in the air. I really didn't care if they fell on the floor. I saw Natsu pick one up and he stared at it for a moment. "This is really good Lucy." He said amazed. He is amazed quickly. "Thanks." Thats I all I decided to say to him. He crawled on my bed and laid down next to me.

I looked at him and he looked back at me. "So." I said first. "So." He copied me. I sat up and looked around my room. He sat up also. "Lucy.." He said looking at his feet. "Huh?" I asked. "You know that my mom and your dad are gonna get married." He said kinda sad. "Yea... Why do you ask?" I said confused. "So, if we got to know each other, and we started to love each other, we couldn't be together because we are step brother and step sister." He said blushing hard. "Hahaha! Gomenasai! Like I would love my step brother!" I laughed my ass off. Natsu just looked at the ground and didn't say anything.

"Gomenasai, I didn't mean to hurt you!" I said looking down at my feet ashamed of my actions. Natsu looked at me for a minute then turned away. "Its ok." He finally said breaking the silence. We both looked at each other and stared at each other for a while. We looked away and he blushed madly and I blushed slightly. I mentally slapped myself.

Mavis- "Awww I think Lucy is falling for Natsu! You can see that Natsu already fell for Lucy. When he first saw her!" :)

I can't fall for my step brother!! No way in hell I would!!! I shook my head.

Conscience- Lucy... You know you love him! You likkkkkeee him!

No I would never like my "step" brother.

I can tell you are lying.


Because I am the inner you. I'm your inner voice! I know everything about you!

Fine, fine. I might slightly like him.

At least you said you like him a little. Thats good enough for me. Cya, soon Lucy!

That was weird taking to my inner self. Ugh, whatever. Like I love my step brother. Pfft...

[Natsu's Pov]

I saw Lucy staring off into space. Hmm... I wanna play a prank on her. So, I ran outside and made a thumping sound. I then ran quickly behind the balcony doors. Lucy started walking out on to the balcony. I stepped behind her and she turned around instantly and we.. we... we...

[Lucy's and Natsu's Pov]


[No one's Pov]

Natsu wondered into the room and then fainted. Lucy on the other hand fainted right on the balcony.

Mavis- "Eeekkkk!!!! They kissed!!! And it was their first one too!!!! Wonderful, idea Natsu!!!! Hahaha!"

Mira- "I think I'm gonna faint too! NaLu in action! *Waves paper in front of face* Ok, ok! I'm good!"

Author-San- "Thanks for reading the chapter! Hope you read the next one! When it is updated! Bye mina-san!!!"

I'm in love with my step sister?! [NaLu Fanfic] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now