Chance Meeting?

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My brothers had just dragged me around the corner when I heard a sound that made my heart skip a beat. It was footsteps, and they were running at the other end of the other hallway. I shook free of my brothers' tight grip and walked up to the corner, not passing beyond it yet. I really wanted to see who was running. There was a little spark of hope that it was the band, but I know that's probably not going to happen.

As unlikely as it might've seemed to me, it was the truth. Mark was just turning the corner that connected the hallway with another one that led back to the band area. He went right up to the security guard and asked him if he'd seen a girl with long blonde hair that was in a braid and was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt.

The security guard went pale and reached into his pocket to pull out the paper that I had given him. He gave it to Mark, who didn't even look at it, he just started yelling at the poor guard. I felt bad for the guy, to be honest, he was just doing his job, after all.

Then Cubbie came around the corner, followed by Pontius, Sean, and Isom. The four of them looked down at Mark's hand and saw the note clutched tightly in his fist. They looked back at the security guard with a panicked expression.

I grabbed Lyam's hand and pulled him back. "What is it?" He asked. He hadn't seen the scene at the end of the hall.

"Look." I pointed down towards the guard and Mark, who was now being held back by Cubbie and Pontius, who didn't look too happy with the guard either. I couldn't see Sean or Isom, Mark, Cubbie, and Pontius were blocking them.

"Uh, Jake?" Lyam whispered, grabbing Jake's shoulder and tugging him so that he could see.


"Look." Lyam pointed at the guys.

"Oh, crap. We should probably do something before they kill the poor guy."

"I'm already ahead of you." I looked back at my brothers before I took off down towards the end of the other hallway. "MARK!"

He turned to see me and a smile spread across his face. Cubbie and Pontius let go of him and looked really relieved that I had shown up. "I'm glad you came back." Cubbie smiled as I finally got to them.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." I replied as I heard Lyam and Jake walk up behind me.

Mark walked over and handed the paper back to me. "I won't be needing this anymore. You should have it back."

"Come on, we shouldn't talk here. Let's go backstage, it's more private." Pontius grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind him.

"I'm really sorry, miss. I didn't know." The security guard apologized as we passed him.

"It's okay! You were just doing your job! If I were you, I probably wouldn't have let anyone through either." I smiled to let him know I had no heard feelings toward him.

"Thank you for understanding."

"No problem! Have a nice night!" I waved as Pontius dragged me around a corner.

He dragged me down several long, confusing hallways before we ended up in one that had several doors leading off of it. "Okay, this is where our dressing room was... er... is." Pontius sounded like he confused himself. "Wait, why did I bring you here? It's way too small for us to talk in..." Pontius trailed off as he stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"We could always try and see if the stage or the green room is open." Sean suggested as he shrugged.

"That's actually a really good idea, Sean! Good job thinking of it!" Mark patted Sean's head like he was a five year old that had just answered the hardest question on a test correctly.

Sometimes I Wanna Disappear (A Foster the People Fanfiction) [REWRITTEN VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now