Goodbyes Suck

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I drove them down into Houston, blasting music the entire way. Ponsi had the idea of having a contest to see who could sing the worst. I won it, of course. There was no way I could sing better than the five men sitting around me. My mind was racing as I thought about how much fun I was having at the moment, but I only brought myself down by thinking about how all of this was about to come crashing down around me.

We found a place for me to park in the crowded parking garage and got their suitcases out of the trunk and left to find their terminal. I followed them around as we searched the entire lobby to find their manager, who was supposed to be meeting them here, but he was nowhere to be seen.

They gave up ten minutes later and we dumped their bags at security so they could be searched as we passed through and went to find their terminal. We sat down in the desterted seating area for terminal that had no flight scheduled, we wanted a little more space from people.

"Flight 415 to Los Angeles International Airport leaves in one hour." The mechanical voice of the intercom blasted throughout the busy halls of the airport.

"I don't want y'all to go." I whimpered.

"I don't want to go either!" Isom cried as he threw his arms around me and squeezed. I hugged back, possibly tighter than he was hugged me. I heard one of the guys take a picture, smooth move, genius. Next time, turn your ringer off. I whipped around and saw Mark with Isom's phone.

"What? He'll want to remember this..." Mark shrugged as I pulled out my phone and tossed it to Mark.

"Okay, you two, break it up." Sean broke Isom and I apart.

"But..." I started to argue.

"It's my turn." Sean smiled and held his arms out. These two hugs were the awkwardest of my life, I barely was at any of their chests.

"Hold on." I pulled away from a reluctant Sean and stood up on one of the chairs, so I was their height. "Okay, now I'm good." I smiled and Sean tackled me again.

This was a weird expericence for me, I've never really gotten hug from someone outside of my family, and Will and Sash are practically family, so they don't count. I've never had a boyfriend and people don't talk to me, so this was definitely a weird feeling for someone like me to have.

Ponsi split Sean and I apart after a few minutes. I was about to complain when he pulled me into a tight, and I mean tight, bear hug. Dang, this drummer is crushing the life out of me. I thought as I tried to hug back. After pulled away, he took out his phone. "Take a picture for me, will ya?" He asked as he tossed it to Mark and pulled me into one of those classic side hug poses. Mark took the pictures and Ponsi did the most incredible thing ever, he kissed me. Yes, Mark Pontius, the drummer of Foster the People, just leaned over and kissed me on the cheek before Mark suddenly stepped in front of me.

By this time, I was back on the ground and trying to stand up tall to reach his shoulders. But, I gave up and buried my face into his chest. I focused hard, trying to remember every detail of him, the scent of his cologne, the rythymic beating of his heart and breathing, everything. I wanted to stay like this forever, I felt safe in Mark's arms. I didn't feel like Ben had just tried to kill me or that I was going to have to go back to school soon and deal with everything there about Ben. When Mark pulled away from me, he did the exact same thing as Ponsi, he kissed my cheek. I died a little on the inside, this was too much to be true.

Cubbie stepped up next and pulled me into a huge hug, lifting my feet several inches off the ground. I threw my arms around his neck and buried my face comfortably in his chest. I started the cry involuntarily, there was no way I was going to not, it was going to happen at some point, so why not cry to Cubbie? That's reasonable, right? He reacted to my tear by holding me closer, almost squeezing the life out of me.

Sometimes I Wanna Disappear (A Foster the People Fanfiction) [REWRITTEN VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now