School Problems

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My annoying alarm went off the next morning. I groaned and slammed my fist down on my clock to shut the thing up.

"Uggggh, what time is it?" A very sleepy Cubbie groaned from across my room.

"Six." Oh, crap, I overslept.

"UGGGGGH." He moaned loudly as he pushed himself up.

"Come on, Tough Guy. Let's get moving."

"Yeah, I guess we have to."

Reluctantly, I pulled myself from underneath my warm, comfortable blankets and into the freezing cold air of my room. I opened my closet doors and pulled out my favorite hoodie, a pair of baggy sweatpants that were definitely too big for me, and my pair of Converse.

I shuffled over to the bathroom that was off the side of my room and turned to shut the door. Cubbie looked lazily over at me before he closed his eyes and fell backwards again. Poor Cubbie, he's so tired. I giggled to myself before I started getting dressed.

Pulling off the t-shirt and jeans that I had slept in, I washed my face and changed into my new, fresher clothes. I pulled my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head because I was too lazy to do anything else with it. I put on a little bit of makeup, not a whole lot, just enough to try and hide my black eye, which looked really bad this morning. It, sadly, only made it look worse, so I took most of it off and worked on my other eye instead.

I finished and came out of the bathroom to find Cubbie sitting up on the couch watching the news. "Hey, you ready? That didn't take long." He switched off the TV and stood up.

"Yeah, it doesn't take me long to get ready."

"Well,, that's always a good trait to have." He chuckled a little.

"Hey, Cubbie, come with me."

"Uh, okay?"

He followed me as I walked downstairs and went into my parents' bedroom.

"What are we doing in here?" He asked as we walked into the room.

"We're going to get you something clean to put on."

"I have clothes here..."

"No you don't, your clothes are in your suitcase back at the hotel."

"Right... But why do I-never mind, I remember now."

"Yeah, you're taking me to school, remember?" I tapped his head a little. "Use that brain I know you have."

"Whatever." He pushed my hand away and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, try this on." I pulled a shirt off the racks on Dad's side of the closet and gave it to Cubbie before I turned my back so he could put it on.

"Okay, is this good?" He asked after he had put it on.

"Oh, you look so fab." I snorted as he just rolled his eyes. "Okay, now, try these jeans, use this if they're too big." I gave him some jeans and a belt before turning my back again.

"Okay, they're good, thanks." Cubbie smiled as I turned around again.

"Anytime. Now, let's get some breakfast."

"Sounds good to me!"

I ran around the kitchen in panic. "Oh, my god, we have nothing to eat! No one's been to the store this weekend! We're out of everything!" I searched the pantry and found nothing.

"Yeah, you've got nothing but waffles." Cubbie smiled as he pulled some frozen waffles out of the fridge.

"Yes! Waffles!" I took them from him and quickly popped them in the toaster and heated them up. We ate quickly and bolted out the door, it was already six-fifty.

Sometimes I Wanna Disappear (A Foster the People Fanfiction) [REWRITTEN VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now