A Risky Move That Might Pay Off

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I know it was probably a stupid decision to go to the police, but I didn't care at this point. This was a chance that I was going to have to take, I just hope Cal's death isn't pinned on me if this gets her killed. I can't just stand back and watch something terrible happen to her. She doesn't deserve all of this, and I know she didn't do anything to provoke this. I don't know what screwed up world these guys were living in, but they weren't about to drag Cal down with them.

I threw open the door to the security room and stormed down the hall. The guys rushed out after me, trying to yell things to get me to turn around and stop. But, they should know that nothing was actually getting to me, it was registering in my brain, but I was mentally laughing it all off. They were yelling things like, "Cubbie, this isn't a good idea!" and "What if this gets her killed?" and, my personal favorite, "This will get us all killed! Did you see that gun?" I completely ignored them and went out to the car.

Opening the doors to the car, I got in the driver's seat and just sat there. I had lost my mind, I turned on the car and just sat there, staring out the front windshield. My brain shut down and everything blacked out.


I was really worried about Cubbie, none of us have ever seen him act like this and we didn't know how to react to this. He wasn't thinking straight, all of us could see that clearly. It was like he had gone into a blind rage or something weird like that.

Cubbie just went out to the car, got in, turned it on, and sat there. He was just sitting there, staring into something off in the distance out the windshield, not moving. The rest of us got into the back, not knowing what else to do. We were at a total loss, we had no idea what to do next.

That's when Cubbie suddenly pulled off, still not saying a word. His gaze was locked on something in front of us.

I looked over at Ponsi, who was sitting next to me, behind Cubbie. "Hey, Cubbie?" Ponsi tried tapping Cubbie's shoulder to get a response. But, it didn't work, he didn't even blink.

"Oh, my god... What's going on?" Isom cried from the back, sending the guys into a slight panic.

"Guys, calm down, I'm sure that there's nothing bad going on here..." I sounded unsure of myself, and I was. I didn't know what was going on, I was definitely just as scared as they were. But, I wasn't going to let that show, I'm a grown ass man and I need to keep the others calm.

Cubbie continued driving like this until we pulled into the police station's parking lot. Okay, this was getting really weird, how'd he know where to go? There weren't any signs on the road and I know he didn't look up any directions for the police station, we had eyes on him the entire time. He parked and sat there with a dazed look in his eyes.

I've had enough of this, I wasn't going to deal with this side of Cubbie, it's freaky. I got out of my seat and pulled on Cubbie until he was facing me and started shaking him back and forth. "Cubbie? Cubbie?! CUBBIE! CUBBIE FINK! JACOB FINK!" I shook him as I yelled his name in different ways.

He finally blinked and shook his head a little, shaking my grip on his shoulders. "Wha-? Where am I?" He looked around in confusion, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

Sean, Isom, Ponsi, and I shared confused expressions as Cubbie turned and looked behind him out the driver's side window.

Is this real? Surely, it's not, this can't be... Can it? Like Isom said earlier, what's going on?


I woke up sometime later with a splitting headache, it felt like someone was driving an ice pick through my head. Groaning, I tried to move my arms, but I couldn't. That's when fear poisoned my veins and I tried to move everything I could think of. My legs, my arms, my back. There was no response, I was trapped in a chair. My wrists were bound together behind my back with rope and I felt some tape around my hands and fingers. I was tied around my chest and arms all the way from my shoulders to my waist with rope, confining me to this chair. My legs were also roped and taped to the chair. They had effectively immobilized me.

Sometimes I Wanna Disappear (A Foster the People Fanfiction) [REWRITTEN VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now