Rescue Mission

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The five of us sat there in silence and tried to come up with a plan. We couldn't think of anything and were about to call for help when we heard yelling. I peeked my head around the corner and saw that all the kids that were outside were running inside and not coming back out. We waited for a minute to make sure that it was safe to go and check the place out before we stood up and ran, sticking close to the brush line.

The others followed close behind me as we snuck around the building and found a staircase. Cubbie ran up it without hesitation and stopped at the top, waiting for the rest of us to get up to the creaky, metal balcony that wrapped around the entire building.

We silently followed him as he slowly opened the rusted door to the inside and ducked in. The horrors of the inside greeted us as soon as that door as opened. A wall of sound came flooding out and hit us all in the face. The smell of iron and smoke hung heavily in the dark air as I walked through the door and onto the second floor of the warehouse. I looked out to my left and saw something that made my stomach crawl up my throat.

It really was Helena Beat. They had the tents set up and the fires going in the metal barrels, they had the kids in masks and dirty clothes beating the crap out of something, probably Cal. They even had the destroyed car that was set on fire. They were obviously trying to get rid of evidence, that was the van that they had taken Cal in.

My stomach twisted into knots as I stuck close to the wall beside me. I dropped to my knees and started crawling across the floor to avoid being seen. The other guys followed what I did as I followed Cubbie towards another staircase the led upwards. We were lucky enough to crawl up that without anyone noticing us, they were too busy with what they were doing.

"I don't like this, this is all too weird for me." Cubbie whispered as we got up to a high catwalk.

"Yeah, I agree." Ponsi whispered and shook his head.

"Shooting the video with kids was fun, Saving Cal from kids is not fun. Okay, getting beat up in the video shoot wasn't fun, but it sure looks like child's play compared to this." Cubbie looked down at the people gathered in the circle.

"I just really don't like this." I muttered, shaking my head.

"I just keep waiting for the cameras to shut off and Ace to pop out and say none of this is real." Ponsi added.

"Yeah, I keep waiting for the crew to jump out and say we can all go home where it's safe and Cal isn't really dying." I shook my head.

Sean was about to say something when the yelling got louder. We all looked over the side and watched as a kid lifted up a knife and buried it deep in whatever they were surrounding, it was no doubt Cal. That's when we heard the piercing scream, it shattered everything going on in my mind and left it echoing off the walls of my head.

"Calliegh." We all muttered at the same time and started to quietly crawl across the catwalk. We had to crawl painfully slow because it was so old and never used and we were afraid to make a noise. And I was scared that it would fall open underneath me and I would fall three stories to my death.

"That's enough." A familiar voice came from below us. The five of us froze and turned our attentions back to the people underneath us. Ben stepped out from the shadows and the crowd backed up and split down the middle, clearing a way for him.

He walked right up to Cal as she curled into a ball, whimpering and shaking uncontrollably. Bending over, he took the knife out of her leg and inspected its bloodstained blade. "You, know, it's a shame that all of this had to happen. I really did like you, but I guess it was never meant to be."

I froze, it was about to happen, she was about to die. It was like in a movie, the guy always gives that speech to the person their about to kill. Dang, did this guy learn all of his moves from the movies? Lame!

Sometimes I Wanna Disappear (A Foster the People Fanfiction) [REWRITTEN VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now