Best Friends

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I woke up the next morning and found that I couldn't move my hands or feet, the room was also unfamiliar, which caused me to panic more. Oh, god, what's happened to me?

Then it hit me.

I was staying in a hotel, with Foster the People, my favorite band.

I was staying in a hotel with my favorite band, Foster the People.

I kept repeating that phrase in different ways in my head, over and over again. The more ways I tried it, the crazier it seemed to get.

What is life? How does something as crazy as this happen to someone like me? They're my friends now, I guess, well, that's what Mark said.

Groaning, I looked over to my left and found Cubbie facing me, sound alseep, still laying on my arm. I'm pretty sure my arm will have to be amputated because there is no blood flow to it anymore. Mark was to my right, still asleep, and he was using my arm as a pillow. He was hugging my forearm and my hand was smashed against his face. Well, this isn't awkward at all. I looked up and saw Pontius passed out laying on his stomach across my knees, he was using his arms as a pillow since he didn't have one. Sean and Isom were both leaning with their backs against each other on the couch, still asleep.

I gently pulled my arm from Cubbie, who groaned and flipped over. I pulled my phone from my pocket and found that I still had a little bit of charge. I carefully pulled my feet from under Pontius, who was obviously a heavy sleeper, and took a picture of Mark before I pulled my arm from underneath Mark, he tried to turn over, but fell over on the floor because he was on the side of the bed. I had to cover my mouth so I didn't erupt in loud fits of laughter. He fell onto the floor and still slept, how heavy of a sleeper can one man be?

I shot up as soon as I noticed the time, one o'clock in the afternoon. I silently climbed over Cubbie, somehow not waking him up, and walked to the bathroom to check my messages and call my brothers. When I got into the bathroom, I wrapped a towel around myself for warmth and sat down on the counter.

There were twenty-seven text notifications that lit up my screen as I checked, and seventeen missed calls with voicemails to match. All of the calls were from Lyam and Jake, with one from Connor, and I had text notifications from the usual people who text me, Sash, Will, my brothers, but one text stood out from the rest. It was from Ben. What? Since when does that asshat text me? Since when does he even want to talk to me?

I decided to call Connor since he was the last to call me. It rang twice before he answered. "Cal? Is that you?"

"Yeah, Connor, it's me."

"Oh, thank the Lord in the highest of Heavens!" I could imagine Connor closing his eyes and turning his head to the sky like he always does when he's thankful about something. "Hey, guys, she's alright." I guess Connor was talking to Lyam and Jake.

I heard a muffled "Oh, thank God!" and "Why hasn't she called?"

"I don't know! You should ask her yourself if you're so desperate to know why!" Connor retorted to our other brothers. "Hey, Lyam wants to talk to you." Connor laughed into the phone as he turned his attention back to me.

Lyam. I should've known, he's always been super overprotective of me. I guess it came with us being super close growing up. "Cal? Cal! I thought something awful had happened to you!"

"What bad thing could possibly happen to me?"

"I don't know! Maybe the guys took their eyes off of you for like five minutes and something could've happened to you!"

"Lyam, nothing will happen to me, I'm too clever!" I giggled.

"Okay, you're right, I'm just being that overprotective big bro again, aren't I?"

Sometimes I Wanna Disappear (A Foster the People Fanfiction) [REWRITTEN VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now