3 ~ The Next Day

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Denki woke up before Eijirou's alarm the next morning, he was grateful for that. It was a school day so they couldn't lay in bed holding each other all day as he wanted, but he could enjoy it for now. Even if it was only another 26 minutes before the alarm would go off.

Denki spent those 26 minutes pressed as close to Eijirou's chest as possible, breathing in his comforting scent and soaking up his warmth. He was definitely taking Eijirou's uniform jacket for himself today. He didn't want to let this feeling go. He looked up at Eijirou fondly.

His red hair was draped over his face and Denki noticed his roots were starting to peak out. That made him happy, he loved helping Eijirou dye his hair. He loved touching his hair in general, something he couldn't do often due to Eijirou's normal spiky hairstyle.

Unfortunately, the alarm sounded and startled Eijirou awake. Denki reached to turn it off before turning back to Eijirou, "Good morning."

Eijirou smiled at him, still groggy, "Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"I woke up before the alarm, but I still slept well."

Eijirou nodded, "That's good. How long have you been awake?"

"26 minutes."

Eijirou chuckled, humored by the exactness of the time, "I'm sorry if you got bored."

Denki shook his head, "I was happy to be able to cuddle with you even if you were asleep during it."

Eijirou smiled, "You're so cute," he pulled Denki in for a kiss. Denki gladly returned, melting into it for a few moments while running his fingers through Eijirou's hair. But, sadly, Eijirou soon pulled away.

"As much as I would love to cuddle you while conscious, we have to get ready for school."

Denki sighed before getting out of bed, "Yeah... But your jacket is mine today."

Eijirou smiled as he got out of bed after him, "It's one of those days, huh?" then his smile fell.

"Denki," he paused, "Do you remember what happened last night."

Denki froze, "Mostly."

"Do you want to talk about it? Not right now, of course. Do you want to talk about it later?"

Denki thought for a moment, "Maybe. I'll decide after school."

Eijirou nodded, "Okay."

They went on with getting ready quietly after that. Eijirou wanted to ask him more about what he had said last night but he knew it wasn't the time, nor was it right to pressure Denki if he wasn't ready. He had done that enough already. To ask now would just be cruel.

The day went by slower than ever. The weight of the conversation that needed to be had lingered over the two. Denki knew it wouldn't go away if he kept avoiding talking about it, no matter how much he was dreading it.

Lunch was very awkward. The entire bakusquad knew something was wrong. The biggest tell was Denki's silence. They understood why he was quiet while holding Eijirou's hand the night before. They knew about his issues with public intimacy. But right now, they weren't touching at all.

Eijirou was acting odd as well. He was participating in the conversation, but he wasn't his cheerful self. They could see his sadness and stress.

Katsuki finally pointed it out, "Okay, what the fuck is wrong with you two? I would normally love the quiet, but this is just weird."

Hanta nodded in agreement, "Yeah, there's obviously something wrong."

"You can talk to us." Mina said with a smile, "We're all friends here."

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