5 ~ I Love You (Pt 2)

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Eijirou reached the dorms but hesitated before going inside. He just stared at the door for a moment before finally opening it.

Denki had been anxiously waiting on the couch and jumped up the moment he heard the door open, "Eiji!" he rushed over. 

Eijirou smiled at him, "Hey, sorry that I worried you."

Denki ignored his words and just grabbed his wrist, pulling up his sleeve to look at the bandages, "How bad was it?"

"Nothing that Recovery Girl couldn't handle. I lost a lot of blood though."

"What?! You need to sit down."

Denki pulled Eijirou over to the couch and sat with him, "Does it still hurt? Are you dizzy?"

Eijirou chuckled, "Calm down. I'm fine! I'm just tired."

Denki frowned, "You're not fine." he looked back down at the bandages.

"Denki, what is with you? Why are you freaking out so much? I've fought villains and come out worse than this, but even then, you didn't worry this much."

"This is different."

"Yeah, it was an accident this time. Not an attack."

Denki looked back up at him, "Was it really?"

Neither of them noticed as everyone slowly gravitated away from the couches, leaving them alone.

"Uh, yeah, what else would it be?"

Denki didn't answer, he just looked back down, "Let's just get some food and then head upstairs. Okay?"

"Okay." Eijirou could tell Denki was very upset, even though he wasn't exactly sure why. It was just an ordinary training accident. What was there to be so worried over? He had never seen Denki this worked up over his injuries. Like, ever. What makes this time worse?

"Stay here; you need to stay sitting." Denki stood and went to the kitchen to get them some food.

Eijirou sighed, watching him walk off.

Katsuki then approached the couch, "He flipped his shit when I told him. Totally freaked out. He's just sensitive today, I guess."

"Yeah, I guess," Eijirou agreed, even though he knew there was more to it than that, "What kind of freak out was it?"

"Well," Katsuki sat next to him, "When I first told him you got hurt, I made the mistake of saying there was blood everywhere. He panicked. I made it sound worse than it was. He calmed down a bit when I explained it wasn't that bad. But when I explained the details of what happened he started to get worked up again."

"What do you mean by details?"

"You snapping at Aizawa, blowing up with Deku, and being an asshole in general. I told him about all of that. Icy Hot said you were acting like me, which I guess is true, but it just got Dunce Face more worked up."

Eijirou sighed, "No wonder he's so upset. It's not just my arms."

"No shit," Katsuki said, "He's been sitting here waiting for you to get back ever since. He's being a bit of an asshole too. He snapped at anyone who tried to talk to him and yelled at them to leave him alone. Racoon Eyes got really upset about it and almost cried."

Eijirou looked over to where Denki was talking with Sato, "He looks better now."

"Only because you're back," Katsuki paused, "Look, whatever is going on with you two... If you need help or whatever..."

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