2- The Wrath Of The Mother

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"Amy?" Amy's mom looked down at the two sleeping "girlfriends". Both said girls were startled out of sleep. "Mom?" Amy blinked and squinted. She realized that Karma's had had drifted under her shirt and their legs had entertwined. They quickly untangled themselves.
"Mrs. Rundenfeld," Karma started. "Out!" Amy's mom looked furious. "Nothing happened! I swear! Mom-" Amy tried to protest but her mom cut her off. "Karma, please leave."
"Mom! You're being ridiculous!" Amy protested, but Karma gave her an 'I'm sorry' look and started gathering her stuff. She slowly walked out the door, then stopped. Her voice shaking, she said hesitantly, "Um, Mrs. Rundenfeld? Can Amy drive me home? I don't have my car."
"Of course not! For all I know, you two could do it in the car!"
"Mom," Amy said, "It takes 10 minutes and 29 seconds to 11 minutes and five seconds to get to Karma's house. If I'm not back in 23 minutes, you can ground me for months."
"Well..." Amy's mom looked at the clock. It was 11:01am. "You have to be back by 11:30. Or else you're grounded for three months."
"Okay!" Amy grabbed Karma and dragged her outside. "Thanks." Karma said in appreciation. She was so lucky to have Amy as her friend. "No problem. You know I'd do anything for you," She smiled and opened the door for Karma. "Well thank you sir," Karma joked. "No problem, m'lady." Amy jokingly bowed, then got in the passenger side.
After Amy started the car, Karma turned to her. "Your mom was really mad. Why would she think we hooked up? We were just cuddling!"
"I know. She's ridiculous. You know, sometimes I just want to move out."
"You know that, deep down, she loves you, right?"
"Yeah, yeah." Karma turned on the radio, and I Kissed A Girl blasted throughout the car. "I love this song!" Karma exclaimed happily and started to sing along. One reason she loved the song was because it described her life so well.
Amy watched her in amusement as she danced to the music. After the song ended, they had arrived at Karma's house. "See you at school on Monday. I don't think there's a chance I'll get to see you tomorrow. My moms a bitch."
"Woah, tiger. See you on Monday." Karma climbed out of the car and waved as she walked inside. Amy waved back, then turned her car out of the driveway and started the short drive home. The whole way she listened to songs on the radio and thought about how she wanted to kill her mother. How could she kick Karma out like that? She hadn't even given then a chance to explain themselves! She looked at the clock as she pulled into the driveway. 11:27. Right on time.
Amy's mom was sitting in a chair waiting for her when she entered the house. "How could you do that, mom? How could you kick my best friend out for doing nothing? How could you?" Amy burst out.
"Amy-" Her mom started to say, but Amy cut her off. "No! It's my turn to talk. I am disgusted with you, mom. I really am. You are so quick to assume. We did not hook up. We have never had sex before. Ever. So stop worrying and start giving me the benefit of the doubt sometimes. I don't know why you're so homophobic, but it has to stop. I love her, mom," Amy was crying now. "I want her with me. She doesn't love me like that, though. We may be a couple, but she doesn't love me." With that Amy ran upstairs to her room and slammed her door. Collapsing into her bed she cried into her pillow.
A few minutes she heard a knock at her door. "What?" She cried, exasperated. "Amy? I just want to talk. I'm going to come in now. She heard her door open and felt her mom sit down on her bed. "I feel for you, I really do. There have been guys who I've loved who didn't love me back. You just have to move on. It takes time, honey." Amy lifted her head. "I don't think it'll just take time to heal this wound. I really love her mom. I know that's not what you want for me but it's who I am and I wish you would just accept that."
"Sweetie, you know I love you. And I will admit it's not what I wanted for you, but I will try harder to accept it. It's just hard when your child doesn't turn out to have the perfect future you dreamed up for them. I'm sorry I've been so difficult. I really am,"
"Thanks mom. Now, I'll help you make lunch so we can eat sometime soon," Her mom laughed and Amy followed her down the stairs to the kitchen. She was sure her mom had finally realized that she was who she was and there was no changing it. She hoped they could get to the point where her mom trusted her alone with Karma for long periods of time. She couldn't wait to bond more with her, as cliche as it sounded. Yep, this was a good day.

So, a little bonding moment for Amy and her mom. What do you guys think? Love it? Hate it? I need feedback. What do you guys want to happen? I've got some of it planned out but not all of it.

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