9- Caught and a Proposal

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Amy pushed the smaller girl up against the wall, kissing her forcefully. Karma laughed into Amy's mouths as the taller girl ripped her coat off. Breaking the kiss, Amy sucked on the shorter girl's neck. Karma moaned and pulled Amy's coat off. They moved quickly to the bed, but when they had almost gotten there, Karma tripped on her coat and fell. They were both laughing as Amy fell down next to her. Karma pulled her up and they fell, kissing, onto the bed.
"I love you so much." Karma breathed out, and Amy replied, "I love you too. Now stop talking." Karma laughed and pulled off Amy's shirt.
"I feel a little underdressed." Amy breathed out as she pulled off Karma's shirt. Karma moaned into the taller girl's kiss. "Are you ready?" Amy questioned, and Karma smiled. She was so glad that Amy cared about her so much. "Yes."
Amy slowly removed Karma's pants, and then Karma Amy's. Now they were rolling on the bed kissing in just their bras and underwear. They failed to notice the door open until they heard Amy's moms scream.
"What's going on?!" The two girls quickly broke apart and stared at the intruder. "Mom! I'm-I'm sorry. You said you would be more accepting of me! Next time, please knock."
"There won't be a next time, at least not under my roof. Think about it. Would I let you have sex with a boy whenever you please? No, I wouldn't. Amy, I will be removing your door later today. Karma, you can stay, just be aware the Amy's room will have no door."
"Mom, this is ridiculous! You can't take my door!"
"Actually I can. And I will." With that, she left the room. The two girlfriends looked at each other and started laughing. "S-She's taking your door! Like you'll have no door!" For some reason Karma found this hysterical, and her laughter was contagious. Soon they were both rolling on the floor laughing like idiots.
After they recovered, they put their clothes back on and walked downstairs. Farrah had gotten an electric screwdriver from the garage. She handed it to Amy.
"I'll do it later, mom. We have chemistry homework, and we all know that isn't Karma's best subject."
Karma smiled charmingly, but Amy knew that she would get her back for that later.
"Well, okay, but I want it removed before you go to bed tonight."
"Will do." Amy and Karma really did have homework, so they went up to Amy's room to complete it.
"I'm sorry you lost your door." Karma said, and Amy laughed.
"It's not your fault. We both almost had sex."
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
"Don't you know I'm always right?" Amy teased, and Karma pushed her over on the bed. She began to tickle her feet and Amy had a laughing fit.
"Karma!" After she screamed it, Amy realized other people in the house might be suspicious, so she added "Stop tickling me!" Karma laughed and stopped, and leaned over her to kiss her. She lost her balance, and, laughing, fell on top of Amy.
"Sorry!" She sputtered, and rolled of her laughing girlfriend.
"Don't kill me yet." Amy joked, and Karma rolled her eyes.
"Why would I kill such a beautiful girl?"
"Good point." Amy smiled, and Karma lightly slapped her.
"You're so full of yourself." Amy smiled.
"Only for you." Karma blushed and kissed her girlfriend again. She loved this girl so much.

After dinner, Karma helped Amy remove her door, and they almost maimed themselves with the electric screwdriver multiple times. They, did, however, finish removing the door with the only causalities being a piece os skin on Amy's arm and a bit of Karma's nose. How they managed to cut themselves with an electric screwdriver, they didn't know. They did, however, find it extremely amusing and were dying of laughter by the end of it.
"We should go on a date." Karma said suddenly.
"What?" Amy looked confused for a second.
"A date! We could go to dinner and a movie or something. You know, romantic."
"Really?" Karma was surprised, and Amy nodded.
"I, Amy Rundenfeld, ask you, Karma Ashcroft, on a date tomorrow night. Do you accept?"
"Of course!" Karma threw her arms around Amy. They shared a quick kiss, before opening Amy's laptop and watching a romantic movie, completely forgetting about their chemistry homework.

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