7- A Bad Breakup

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Two days until the trial. And the day that she would have her big breakup with Liam. Karma was just so thrilled. She had woken up unusually early and was just laying in bed watching Amy sleep. She looked so peaceful. She knew, creepy Twilight moment, but it wasn't like she stayed up all night to watch her sleep. She just was madly in love with her. She was so lucky to have her.
Amy opened her eyes and noticed Karma staring at her. "What? Do I have something on my face?"
"Nope. You're just beautiful." Amy smiled and kissed her.
"Well, you're beautiful too." She glanced at her watch. "Shit! School starts in, like, 20 minutes!"
"Shit!" Karma shot out of bed and pulled Amy with her. She threw clothes at Amy, and got some for herself. "Put these on! Hurry!"
"Bossy!" Karma laughed. "No, not bossy. But since you're my girlfriend you have to do what I say." Amy laughed and changed into the clothes Karma threw at her. She noticed Karma staring and smirked. "Like what you see?" The shorter girl had already changed. "Shut up, Rundenfeld. We have to leave, like, now."
They stuffed food in their mouths, and, after saying a hastily goodbye to Amy's mom, ran out the door to Amy's car.
Once they were on their way to school, Amy breathed a sigh of relief.
"I think we'll make it on time."
"We better! I have a huge test first period!"
"You'll ace it."
"I don't know about that."
"You will! You're really smart."
"Well, thank ya."

After they reached the school, the girlfriends walked to their lockers together and parted with a kiss.
"Good luck." Amy whispered in Karma's ear, and the shorter girl hugged her.
The test easier then Karma had anticipated, and she had a chance to talk to Shane.
"So! You got your girl!" Shane high-fived her.
"Yep! We both confessed our love and now we're girlfriends."
"You go girl! How's you parents jail situation?" Karma had told him of her parents arrest.
"The trial is in two days. I guess I'll stay home from school to go to it." The bell rang.
"I have to go! I have a boyfriend to break up with!"
As it turned out, a Karma didn't see Liam until the end of last period. She told the teacher she had to go to the bathroom, then went to the art studio where she knew Liam would be. He was pounding nails in what appeared to be a square box. When he saw Karma, his face broke into a smile.
"Karma, hi!" He walked over and tried to kiss her, but she pushed him away. His face turned to confusion. "What's wrong?"
"Liam, I-I just don't think we're right together." His face turned to anger.
"Is this because of Amy? Are you in love with her or something?" Karma found the courage to look him straight in the eye. "Yes, I do in fact love her. I'm breaking up with you, Liam Booker." Liam grabbed her arm, probably leaving a bruise.
"You little bitch!" He slapped her face then stalked off. Karma was crying, rubbing her face. She walked to the front of the school where Amy would pick her up, trying not to let anyone see her crying. Amy was waiting for her, and she got into the car before bursting into tears. Amy rubbed her back.
"What happened? What did he do to you?"
"He-he called me a bitch then he grabbed m-me then he slapped me."
"I'm going to kill Liam Booker." Amy had fire in her eyes. How dare that boy hurt her girlfriend! "Don't kill him now. I just want to go home and lay in your arms and eat ice cream while watching Twilight." Amy's face softened. "Okay. Let's get you home. I can't believe that asshole slapped you!" Karma rubbed her cheek, painfully aware of the throbbing. "When we get home I think I'll need ice." Amy was silent, thinking of all the ways that she could kill Liam Booker.
When they got to Amy's house, she walked Karma inside. Karma gasped. There were candles lit around the room, 5 pints of ice cream on the table, and a box set of Twilight on the couch.
"Woah." Amy had already gone to the refrigerator to get her ice, and she returned with it and ushered Karma to the couch. She handed her the ice pack and turned on the first Twilight movie. She dished her wonderful girlfriend up some ice cream. Then she snuggled in next to her. "I love you so much, Karma. You know I would never hurt you, right?"
"Of course! I could never think that you would hurt me." Amy smiled. "Good." She kissed Karma, then laid her head on her shoulder. "I love you." She whispered, then turned her head to the TV so that she could comment to Karma how stupid it was, and so she could see which parts Karma was commenting on. Karma was half watching the movie, half thinking how lucky she was to have Amy.

Thank you guys for all the views and comments! I love you all!

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