8- The Trial

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It was the day of the trial, and Karma had mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, she loved her parents and wanted to see them, but on the other she didn't know if she was ready to face it. After they had not told her about the weed in the brownies, she wasn't sure if she was ready to go back to living with them or not. She turned to Amy, who was sitting next to her on the couch. "If my parents trial goes well and the charges are dropped, can I stay here for a little while? I don't think I'm ready to live with them yet." Amy looked surprised.
"Of course! You know I'm happy to have you stay."
"Thank you!" Karma hugged Amy, and Amy hugged her back.
There were about two hours until the trial, and Karma was scared. She was trying not to show it, though she knew that Amy could tell. She also knew that Amy was doing her best to comfort her. Karma suddenly couldn't take it and kissed Amy hard on the lips. She needed something-anything-to block out the fear. Fear that she would have to move. Fear that she would never see her parents again. But mostly fear of losing Amy. God- if she lost Amy that would be the end of her.
Amy kissed her back for a second, then pushed her away. "What is this about?"
"I'm just really scared. I don't want to lost you."
"And you won't. If your parents get sent to prison-which they won't-I will find a way to keep you here. Hell, if I have to make my parents petition for legal custody of you, I will. I love you, Karma, never forget that. I'll always be by your side."
"Awww, that's so romantic!"
"Shut up, Ashcroft."
Karma smiled. Just then, Amy's mom entered the room. "Time to go, girls." She said in an overly cheery voice. Amy frowned at her. "We have, like, two hours!"
"Yes, but we have to be there thirty minutes early, and it takes thirty minutes to get there. Also, we'll want to stop for food which will take about thirty minutes. Which gives us a half an hour to find the place."
Amy was surprised that her mom had thought this all out so thoroughly. She looked at Karma. "I guess we have to go. Come on." She pulled her up off the couch. Holding hands and exchanging quick kisses, the walked to Ferrah's car. They slid into the backseat together, and Karma snuggled into Amy. "It'll be okay, Karms."
"You don't know that!" Karma's voice was suddenly on the verge of hysterical.
"No, I guess I don't. But I do know that whatever happens I will stick with you."
Karma had relaxed considerably. "I'm supposed to be the romantic one." Karma stated, and Amy laughed.
"True." She put her arm on Karma's shoulder.
They stayed like that the whole way to the courthouse, occasionally talking or kissing. When they arrived, Karma clutched Amy's hand all the way to and into the courthouse. They sat down on a bench, and waited for the trail to begin. As soon as the first words were spoken, Karma's vision turned white and her hearing dissapered. She had no clue what was happening, but she thought she might be giving in to pure terror. Her senses stayed nonexistent for what seemed like years, before her vision and hearing became clear. This happened just in time for her to hear "...and the defendants are found to be NOT GUILTY!" Karma was shocked for a second, then her face broke out into a smile. She wouldn't lose Amy! She hugged Amy tightly, and said, "I want to live with you, for a few days at least." Amy nodded, and then they walked over to Karma's parents to tell them of her plans.
"Mom, dad." Karma hugged them. "I want to stay with Amy for a few more days. Is that okay?"
"Of course, honey. We understand if you want to be with your girlfriend."
"Thanks guys." She hugged them again, then, holding hands, they walked back to the car. Amy's mom had stayed in the courthouse to talk to a family friend, so Karma and Amy had the car to themselves.
"So, I kinda zoned out during that whole trial. How did my parents get off the hook?"
"Basically, your parent's lawyer found that there was not enough evidence against them. They didn't find a lot of the weed your parents had."
"That's good." Karma smiled and kissed Amy. They were full on making out when Amy's mom opened the door of the car. They broke apart quickly, and Ferrah did not comment.
The drive home was slightly tense. When they parked in the driveway, the two girlfriends quickly went up to Amy's room. When they cuddled into bed, Karma smiled. Today had, overall, been a good day.

Sorry this chapter was a little short. I'll try to update more soon!

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