12- Our First Time

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Karma and Amy were kissing like there was no tomorrow. The taller girl pushed the shorter girl into the bed. Amy clawed Karma's hair, then started pulling on her shirt. Karma allowed her to pull it off, and then tugged off Amy's. They broke the kiss momentarily, and then Amy kissed down Karma's neck. Karma threw her head back and moaned. Amy slipped her hand down to Karma's pants button and paused.
"Are you ready?" She whispered, and Karma breathed out a quiet
Amy unbuttoned Karma's pants and slipped them off. Karma's tongue worked it's way into Amy's mouth, and she breathed,
"I feel a little underdressed." She slipped Amy's pants off, and worked her hand up to her bra strap. She unclimbed it, and Amy's bra fell onto the bed. Amy protested with a moan, then removed Karma's bra as well. She took a moment to take in Karma's beautiful body, and Karma smirked.
"Like what you see?"
Amy licked her lips.
Karma hungrily kissed Amy's lips, and Amy rolled them over so that she was on top. Amy slowly pulled off Karma's underwear, and she slipped her finger to Karma's opening. She pushed her finger inside her girlfriend, pushing in and out hard. Karma moaned loudly, and Amy laughed.
"Shhhhh. My parents will hear us!" Karma was to caught up in pleasure to reply. Soon, she reached her climax, and she felt a rush of pleasure before collapsing onto the bed. Amy collapsed next to her, and kissed her gently.
Karma had a determined look in her eyes.
"I want to return the favor. I-I don't really know how though, so bear with me."
"Your perfect anyway."
"I'm still going to try." Amy nodded, then Karma pulled her girlfriend's underwear off. She hesitantly put her finger in Amy's opening, and Amy nodded in reassurance. Karma, getting more confident, started moving her finger faster and faster. Soon, Amy was moaning and writhing in agony. She reached her release, and moaned Karma's name.
Catching her breath, Amy rolled over.
"I love you so much, Karma."
"I love you too, Amy." They shared a quick kiss, then Amy wrapped herself around Karma and they both slowly drifted to sleep.

The next morning, Amy woke up to Karma kissing her.
"Good morning beautiful." Karma said with a smile.
"Well good morning. I wish I woke up like this every morning." Amy smiled, and pulled away.
"We should go downstairs and eat breakfast."
"Yeah." Karma sighed. "I just want to lay here with you all day."
"Your parents will get suspicious. Come on." Amy pulled her girlfriend off the bed and, laughing, they went downstairs. As soon as they reached the kitchen, Karma's parents greeted them.
"Well good morning girls! Did you have a good night? It sure sounded like it."
Amy and Karma blushed a red.
"Y-you heard us?" Amy stuttered, and Karma's mom smiled.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of. Now you girls enjoy your breakfast."
Her parents left the kitchen, and Amy and Karma were alone. Karma looked mortified.
"My parents heard us?"
"Hey, at least it wasn't my parents, right?" Amy joked, and Karma laughed.
"I guess you're right. I'm just so embarrassed."
"I know. But they already assumed that we had done it more then once."
Karma smiled.
"I guess you're right. You know, I love you Amy Raudenfeld."
"I love you too, Karma Ashcroft."

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