6- I Love You

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"Amy! There's something I have to tell you." Karma panted out as she ran up to Amy. She was about to burst out that she loved her, but then she stopped herself. She should wait until they were somewhere more private. "Never mind." She said quickly, and Amy looked at her strangely as they walked to class.

"So, that thing I wanted to tell you?" Karma said nervously, and Amy turned around. "What is it?" They
were in Amy's room. Karma had wanted to tell her all day, but she had waited until they were somewhere private. She didn't want the whole school to see any emotions that might spill out.
"I-I just needed to tell you something. Y-you might hate me for it, but I have to tell you. I've kept it a secret for so long. Amy, I-I love you. Like, I-want-you-to-be-my-girlfriend love, not love-you-as-a-friend love." Amy's face changed from shocked to thrilled, tears spilling down her face. "Of course I don't hate you! I love you too, Karma, so much!" Karma couldn't take it anymore and surged forward and crashed her lips against Amy's. Amy kissed her back, and then they broke apart and just hugged. They didn't let go for a long time. When they did, Amy looked Karma in the eye. "You have to break up with Liam."
"I know." Karma sighed. This was going to be an awkward breakup.
"I don't want to force you to cheat on Liam. I don't want him to have that on you." Karma smiled. Amy cared for her so much.
"I'll break up with him tomorrow."
"I'll have ice cream and Twilight movies ready for you when you get home." Karma smiled again. "How are you going to get home before me?"
"I may or may not skip last period and then drive back to pick you up at the end of the day. My last period teacher doesn't take attendance anyway."
"Awwww. But I can't ask you to miss school."
"I told you. No one will know."
Karma thought about it for a second, then nodded. "Alright. But be ready to be a shoulder to cry on because we both know that Liam will go postal on me when he hears I'm dumping him for you." Amy laughed. "Will do."
Just then, a call came from downstairs. "Dinner!" Karma pulled Amy off the bed and, laughing, they ran downstairs.

All throughout dinner a the two girlfriends were very touchy-feely, if Karma wasn't holding Amy's hand Amy's hand was resting on Karma's leg. Amy's mom noticed, but did not comment. Lauren, however, did.
"What, did you guys finally do it or something?" She knew this would upset their mother. "No, we did not have sex, but we are a couple." Amy knew Lauren would get this, knowing that originally they were a fake couple. "Oh." Lauren looked slightly sad, and Amy remembered that she had just broken up with her boyfriend. "Look, if you need to talk about your breakup I'm here." Lauren looked grateful for a second, then she spit out, "Why would I want to talk to you? Mom, may I be excused?" Without waiting for an answer she stormed upstairs.
Amy looked sadly after her, and Karma turned her head word her. "She'll come around. It's okay." She gave her a quick kiss. "I know. I just wish she would talk to me." Her mom cleared her throat, and Amy and Karma quickly turned away from each other. Amy didn't want to mess up her and her mothers new bond by bending the rules, and Karma understood this.

After dinner, the two girlfriends went upstairs to Amy's bedroom.
"Can I borrow some clothes to sleep in?" Karma asked, and Amy handed her some loose pants and a shirt. Karma accepted them and pulled off her shirt. She was having fun teasing Amy, who had her mouth wide open. After she changed shirts, Karma also slowly changed her pants. By the time she was done Amy had to kiss her. She pushed her back onto the bed, but they stopped before anything could happen. They both understood it was far too early in their relationship for that. Plus, Karma still had to break up with Liam. The two girlfriends fell asleep next to each other, thinking about how great it was that they were a real couple. 'Yep,' Karma thought, 'Amy is all mine'.

Hope you are liking it! Thank you guys (and girls) for all the views and stars, and even comments. I love the support and I will continue to update pretty frequently.

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