4- Doubts and Realizations

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After breakfast, Amy turned to Karma. "We should do something fun. Get your mind off things,"
"Sounds fun, but I really want to talk to my parents. Can we go to the jail first? Visiting hours are just starting,"
"Of course. I'll drive," After telling her mom that they would not be home for a while, Amy started her car and Karma climbed into it. "Only friends willingly take friends to a jail," Karma joked, and Amy laughed. It seemed that Amy had no suspicion of Karma's feelings for her, and for that Karma was grateful.
"So, what are the visiting hours anyway?" Amy questioned, and Karma typed in a search on her iPhone.
"Uh, 10 am to 3 pm," Amy looked at the clock. 12:25. "We have plenty of time,"
They drove in silence for a while, before Karma broke it. "Do you think my parents are really guilty?" She had told Amy all about their arrest that morning.
"I really don't know. I mean, those brownies were always questionable,"
"Yeah. I guess," Karma began to tear up. "What if they go to prison? What if they have to live there for years? I don't have any close relatives! I'd have to move! And probably have to live with my crazy Aunt Sara!"
"Shhh, calm down, it'll be okay! There is a thing called bail, you know. "
"I know. I'm just scared!"
"I know. I just wish I could help you more." Amy turned her eyes to the left side of the road.
"There it is," She turned into the jail's driveway. There were about ten cop cars parked in a line. Karma's palms began to sweat.
Amy parked her car in the guest parking lot, and, holding hands for reassurance, they walked into the station. Dragging Karma to the desk, Amy asked if they could see Mr. and Mrs. Ashcroft. The cop directed them to a line of phones in front of a large glass wall. Soon, Karma's parents were escorted in, and Karma excitedly picked up the phone.
"Are you guys all right? Are you really guilty?" Her mom answered. "Well, honey, yes. You know those brownies? The secret ingredient, is, well, weed. Karma was shocked. "What? Mom! You always said it was love! How much is your bail?"
"No bail. We have to wait until our trial, in four days."Karma looked at Amy in despair. Her mom continued. "You'll have to stay with Amy until then," Karma nodded, tears threatening to spill over her features.
"Look, I really miss you guys,"
"Amy," Karma's dad chimed in, "Take good care of our little Karma,"
"Dad!" Karma said, but Amy nodded. "You have my word sir,"
After a little more conversation, Amy and Karma left the station and got into the car.
"Want to go get a Starbucks or something?" Amy asked and Karma nodded. As Amy started the car, Karma burst out, "I can't believe their guilty! I mean, who would think my parents would do such a thing!"
"It is pretty weird," Amy agreed, and they drove in silence to the nearest Starbucks. After they arrived, Amy asked "drive-through or restaurant?"
"Drive-through," Karma didn't want to deal with people. Amy turned into the drive-through and asked Karma what she wanted. "Peppermint latte, please," she requested, and Amy ordered the same thing. After they got their drinks they drank them in silence listening to the radio until they got back to Amy's house. As soon as they walked into the house, Amy's step dad approached them. "So, I hear your girlfriend is living with us for a while,"
"Yes. Now please leave us alone so that we can watch TV," He retreated and they sat down on the couch and flipped through channels. Karma was mentally exhausted from the day, so her eyes began to close and soon she had drifted to sleep.

Karma opened her eyes and she could see Amy sitting next to her. She suddenly had the overwhelming urge to kiss her. She did, and the lips that were kissing her back were definitely Amy's. They were soft and gentle with just the right amount of lust. It was heaven. Karma's hand slipped under Amy's shirt and Amy kissed her harder. Karma reached her hand farther and...

Karma opened her eyes. No. No! This could not be happening. She really had to talk to someone. Her simple cruse had turned into an almost-sex dream! Amy, noting that she was awake, asked her something. She shook her head. "What? Sorry. I was pretty zoned out,"
"It's okay. I just asked if you wanted food,"
"Oh, sure. Do you have, uh, raspberries?"
"I'll go look,"
"Thanks!" As Amy walked into the kitchen, Karma looked after her. Did she love this girl? Did she still like Liam? She knew she didn't love him, but was Amy the reason?

Thanks so much for the support! I love all you guys who read this story. Anyway, leave a comment telling me what you think!

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