Chapter Ten

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Last edit update: January 31, 2021
(Some actions, thoughts and events were changed)

I look behind me and see the ink blob thingy. 


I could risk getting killed by them but that blob thingy could kill me too! If so, why aren't the ink people chasing me then? 

I take a deep breath and run forwards despite my bad thoughts giving me ideas of wht could happen to me. 

None make any move to harm me. I'm highly relived and confused but I don't complain.  

A dead end?! Damn it! Oh look, a flashlight...Next to an open vent? How convenient...

This. Is. Crazy. I look back behind me but it seems I'm too late to crawl in the vent. 

He goes to swipe a hand at me. 

"Wait!" I exclaim. It's hand stops moving. That worked? Let's see what else works. 

"I want to free you," I say. "All of you..."

"But I can't do that if you kill me..please..."I trial off. 

It groans, sounding surprised before it slinks away into a puddle. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. My anxiety lowers just a little bit. 

"Well," I say, thinking. Maybe I could befriend them? "Please do tell the others about me!" I say, hoping it heard me. 

I look up. They're all looking at me... Is that bad....? 

I take a step back but my back hits the wall. I swallow. I'm not going in that vent. No way. 

I take a weary step forwards and then take another. My anxiety spikes back up but I keep walking forwards. For some reason they allow me to leave the room. Weird... But I'm not complaining!

I walk out and walk for a long time more before I decide to find those stairs and take them. Somehow, I manage to find them too. Stupid me, just had to go down.

I come to an inky room, stairs leading down into a lake of ink. It wreaks to high hell in here of ink! 

I then spot something. A tape recorder and headphones. Ooooh daaamn it! now I'm very curious! 

How deep could the ink really be? 

I use the hair pony on my wrist to put my hair up into a bun before I test the 

That's not so deep...I guess. 

Imma regret this. This ink will be impossible to get off my skin...

Oh there's another step. And another. How may more are there?

I'm not liking how deep this is!

But my curiosity gets the better of me so despite my discomfort, I still go deeper to get to the tape recorder and headphones, somehow untouched by the ink. 

It only goes up a little past my knees...I try to ignore me fear at this. I'm not fond of large bodies of water so this, something that's all frightens me. 

I'm feet away from it when I see a light. Huh? 

I look towards it and hear a loud screech, startling me. I yelp and snatch the tape recorder, taking off running. I should have left the stupid thing and ran towards the stairs! Now I'm doomed! Fuck curiosity, it really did kill the cat this time, I guess. 

I look behind me and all but have a panic attack. IT'S ALMOST ABLE TO REACE OUT AND GRAB ME! NOPE! 

I try to run faster but that's very hard to do in over knee deep ink! Water would have been difficult enough, ink is thicker!  

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