Chapter Thirty-Two

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Five Days Later

I sat beside Zola as we listened to my parents drone on in another meeting. 

Some real shit had gone down while I had been gone, and some serious changes were going to be made. 

I looked beside Zola, at her old assistant Darla, who was pretending to take notes, but actually drawing knives on the sheet of paper. 


Zola peeked over at well, before shoving the note pad out of Darla's hand and to the floor. 

Everyone in the meeting froze, looking at Darla, who's pen had gone flying to the other side of the room. 

"Maybe we should take a break" my Father snickered. 

No one needed to be told twice. 

Zola rolled her eyes at Darla who was glaring at her, "can you focus for two seconds?"

Darla sniffed, "no. I don't even know why I'm taking notes, you won't read them, anyway."

"I hate you."

"I hate you, too" Darla sniffed, shoving out of her chair, "anyone besides Zola want a coffee?" my parents laughed shaking their heads no. 

She looked to me, "I'll take a coffee three cream, please" I smiled as she nodded before disappearing along with everyone else. 

My parents settled hard looks on Zola and I, "you two need to pay attention in these meetings, you also both need to figure out what you want to do next" they sent us hard looks. 

After I had gotten back, I had torn up my contract. 

They no longer owned me. 

But I was now an equal partner at the company, along with Zola, who still hadn't told me the story of how she'd swindled it. 

She turned to me with a smile, "I'm on a paid vacation-"

"That wasn't discussed" my Father started. 

"-and I think Val is coming with me. You two have been off galavanting why we've put some real work in! I'm taking a break" she smirked. 

My parents sent her unimpressed looks. 

"Haters gonna hate, but I need a fucking break, what do you think Val?" she smirked over at me. "Maybe England?" she smirked harder. 

I glared at her, "why so far, I hear Kross Hotel has an amazing spa" I smirked. 

"Touche, whore, touche" she snapped, before standing, "well I'm taking a week off, I need a break from everything. When I get back, I expect your ass here Valerie, or this will turn dark" she called over her shoulder. 

I couldn't help but smile, "love you."

"Ditto!" she called just as the door shut. 

"Is the meeting over?" Dad asked, looking around baffled. 

"Your sister called us again, today" my Mother said, dropping the temperature in the room. 

"What did she say?" I asked, not really interested. 

"We're invited to her disgrace of a wedding" she rolled her eyes, looking so much like me it honestly gave me pause. 

I shrugged, "you two can go, she's going to need support when she divorces him."

"I heard she went to see you."

"She did, I'm not mad anymore-"

"You don't have to be, but Valerie, you ... we were so worried when you just left, what those two imbeciles did to you is unforgivable" my Mother snarled, ever the protective throat cutter. 

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