Good Morning, Sunshine

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Beep Beep Beep Beep

My alarm goes off early in the morning. Feels like I haven't sleep in days. I roll over, checking the time, 7 am. I groan, wishing I could get more than three hours of sleep in a night. I check my Facebook, nothing but the usual stay-at-home-mom rants over what kind of food the schools should be feeding their kids or why their husbands don't put the dishes into the dishwasher after use. Closing it, I pull up my twitter. Your usual teens complaining that the world doesn't make sense. If you wanted your life to be a certain way, then you should try to do everything you can to make it happen. For instance, I've always wanted to help people. Ever since I can remember, I was the girl on the playground that helped the kids who fell and scraped their knees. My Mom always said I was meant to do something that helped people. So I did, I became a nurse. 

I lock my phone, rolling out of bed. My cat, Binx jumps on the bed, almost begging for me to get back in and cuddle. "Sorry bud, got stuff to do today." I get up, making my way into the bathroom. The usual routine, pee, shower, brush teeth, floss, mouth wash, check for pimples in the mirror. I've never been one to be so self conscious, I never had to be. I was always sure of myself, at least that's how I tried to be. Turning on the lights around my mirror, I sit at my makeup station. Blaring whatever band I was currently into. This lovely September morning, it was 90's-2000's hits. The lovely voice of Billie Joe Armstrong fills the room, Basket Case, the epitome of my existence. Blending of my foundation, my eyeshadow. A perfect line of contour, finished off with daring lashes, a perfect cat eye, and highlighter. My hair long, falling off my shoulders and to my mid back, I've always been proud of my hair. It's ability to curl with perfection and hold all day, or stay as straight as it was after I finished with the flat iron. The curls still present from last night. A night of Netflix and ice cream out of the carton. 

I sift through my closet, an array of different color black shirts or cardigans. I find a black shirt, low cut in the back to show off my tattoo. A pair of high waisted jean shorts and red flannel tied around my waist. I tie up my black sandals, up part of my ankle and calf. A little perfume spritz and I'm ready. 

Ding Ding Ding Ding

"Hey you!" I say into the phone. 

"Hey love! I'm outside!" Liz says into the phone, I hang up, grabbing my laptop off the charger and purse from the table. "Bye Binxy, be back soon." I plop some cat food into his dish before heading out the door. Hitting the keypad by the front door to lock the security system. Running down the three flights of stairs before seeing Liz outside in her car. 

"Coffee for you." She hands me my usual, iced coffee with toasted almond and cream. "You get me." I sip, swirling the flavoring around in the cup. She heads down the street and towards campus. Since I started my bachelors degree and got a big girl job, I moved off campus. A small, two bedroom apartment. Just me and my cat, and that's the way I like it. 

"So, some of us are meeting at Trixie's later if you want to come?" She asks, the windows down and last bits of summer flowing through the car windows. She looks over at me for a moment, her eyes begging. "I gotta get up super early. I took a shift for a coworker so she could go to brunch with her parents." I say, she scoffs. "Always taking shifts. All you ever do is work, go to school, and come home to sit on your couch with Binxy." She shakes her head. 

"Sorry! I'm not a big 'going-out' person. You know this. I like my house, my comfy couch and fuzzy socks, my cat, and a book. That's just my thing!" I say, defending my honor. "Well, the invites there if you want it." She pulls in to campus, finding a parking spot. I love driving but since we go to the same classes and she lives so close, she picks me up on school days. It saves a ton on gas. 

"Where is our class again? What building?" She asks. "Uhh, Kingsley Hall." I look at the map on my phone of the campus. We're rarely ever here since we only have class one day a week. Much of our work is online but sometimes they have classes scheduled every Wednesday. It helps with a working nurse schedule. We walk up the path and find the building. Making our way to room 202. I sit in the front, by the window, watching the other students pass by. Some on their phones talking extravagantly, others bobbing their heads to their music. An array of briefcases and backpacks. 

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